Statement: A New Cold War against China is against the interests of humanity


A New Cold War against China is against the interests of humanity

We note the increasingly aggressive statements and actions being taken by the US government in regard to China. These constitute a threat to world peace and are an obstacle to humanity successfully dealing with extremely serious common issues which confront it such as climate change, control of pandemics, racist discrimination and economic development.

We therefore believe that any New Cold War would run entirely counter to the interests of humanity. Instead we stand in favour of maximum global cooperation in order to tackle the enormous challenges we face as a species.

We therefore call upon the US to step back from this threat of a Cold War and also from other dangerous threats to world peace it is engaged in including: withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces agreement; withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Accords; and its increasing disengagement from UN bodies. The US should also stop pressuring other countries to adopt such dangerous positions.

We support China and the US basing their relations on mutual dialogue and centring on the common issues which unite humanity.


Chinese (simplified)

Chinese (traditional)
















Add your name to the statement

Initial signatories - organisations

  • ANSWER coalition (US)
  • Black Alliance for Peace (US)
  • Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
  • Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
  • Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases Coalition
  • Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples
  • Geopolitical Economy Research Group
  • Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War (Canada)
  • International Action Center (US)
  • Mouvement de la Paix (France)
  • No to War - No to NATO
  • Peace for Okinawa Coalition
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg (Canada)
  • Pivot to Peace (US)
  • Simon Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples (Venezuela)
  • Society for Socialist Studies
  • South African Peace Initiative
  • Stop the War (UK)
  • US Peace Council
  • Vrede vzw (Belgium)

Initial signatories - in personal capacity

Diane Abbott @HackneyAbbott
Labour MP, former Labour Party Shadow Home Secretary (UK)

Celso Amorim
Former Foreign Minister and Defence Minister of Brazil (Brazil)

Ajamu Baraka @ajamubaraka
Green Party candidate for US Vice-President in 2016, Black (US)

Medea Benjamin @medeabenjamin
Peace activist and cofounder Codepink (US)

Sevim Dağdelen @SevimDagdelen
Chairwoman of the Die Linke parliamentary group in the Foreign Affairs Committee (Germany)

Barbara Finamore @bfinamore
Author, 'Will China Save the Planet?' (US)

Gerald Horne
Chair of History and African American Studies, University of Houston (US)

Kate Hudson @kate4peace2021
General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) (Britain)

Martin Jacques @martjacques
Senior Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University (UK)

Irvin Jim @IrvinJimSA
General Secretary, National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa

Heike Hänsel @HeikeHaensel
Deputy Chairwoman of the Die Linke parliamentary group (Germany)

Li Jingjing @jingjing_li
CGTN Reporter and Host of ‘Talk It Out with Li Jingjng’ (China)

Chris Matlhako @chematlhako
Second Deputy General Secretary, South African Communist Party

Maite Mola @Maitemola
Vice-President European Left Party (Spain)

John Pilger @johnpilger
Prize Winning Journalist, Director of ‘The Coming War on China’ (Australia)

N Ram @nramind
Former Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu (India)

Carlos Ron @CarlosJRonVE
President, Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples (Venezuela)

Jill Stein @DrJillStein
Green Party candidate for President of the US in 2012 and 2016 (US)

Julie Tang
Retired US Judge and Pivot to Peace co-founder (US)

Yanis Varoufakis @yanisvaroufakis
Economist, Member of Parliament, and former Finance Minister (Greece)

Wang Wen @WangwenR
Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China

Colonel Ann Wright @AnnWright46
US Army (retired), Veterans for Peace (US)

Zhang Weiwei
Professor, Fudan University, author 'The China Wave’ (China)

  • Max Ajl – Researcher at Wageningen University
  • Breno Altman – Journalist, Opera Mundi (Brazil)
  • Jaime Amorim – Comissao internacional da Via Campesina (Brazil)
  • Alex Anfruns – Journalist, Belgium
  • Bahman Azad – Coordinator, Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases
  • Andy Bain - Communist Party of Britain, trade union organiser
  • Brian Becker - National Director, ANSWER Coalition (US)
  • Johannes M Becker - Former managing director of the Center for Conflict Studies at the Philipps University of Marburg (Germany)
  • Stephen Bell - National Officer, Stop the War Coalition (UK)
  • Keith Bennett – Deputy Chairman, 48 Group Club (personal capacity)
  • Romi Márcia Bencke – Pastor, Church of the Lutheran Confession (Brazil)
  • Manuel Bertoldi – Coordinador de la Asamblea Internacional de los Pueblos, Frente Patria Grande y Alba Movimientos (Argentina)
  • Max Blumental – Editor-in-chief, The Grayzone
  • Leopoldo Boff – Teólogo, Filósofo, Escritor e membro da Inciativa Internacional da Carta Terra (Brasil)
  • Charisse Burden-Stelly – Assistant Professor, Carleton College (United States)
  • Dr Alicia Castellanos Guerrero - Anthropologist, Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico
  • Dr Ana Esther Ceceña – Coordinator of the Latin American Geopolitics Observatory, National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • José Luis Centella – President, Partido Comunista de España (Spain)
  • Ben Chacko - Editor, Morning Star (UK)
  • Anna Chen - Writer, poet, broadcaster
  • Prof Cheng Enfu - Director of the research center of economic and social development at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Chair of World Association for Political Economy (WAPE)
  • Jenny Clegg - Senior Lecturer in International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, author of China's Global Strategy (UK)
  • Dan Cohen - Journalist and filmmaker
  • Pascal Coppens - Author, keynote speaker, sinologist and technology entrepreneur
  • Kenny Coyle - Praxis Press (Macau)
  • Ludo De Brabander - Spokesperson for Vrede vzw (Belgium)
  • Radhika Desai - Professor at Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • Gabriel Deslandes - Journalist (Brazil)
  • Francisco Dominguez - Head of Latin America Studies Research Group, Middlesex University
  • Fiona Edwards - Editor, Eyes on Latin America
  • Abdallah El-Harif - Founder of the Democratic Way (Morocco)
  • Yves Engler - Author (Canada)
  • Camila Escalante - Producer teleSUR English and Kawsachun News
  • Nick Estes - Assistant Professor of American Studies, University of New Mexico
  • Victor Figueroa - Author of 'Salvador Allende: Revolutionary Democrat' (UK)
  • Sara Flounders - Organiser, International Action Center
  • John Foster - Emeritus Professor, University of the East of Scotland
  • Victor Gao - Professor, Soochow University (China)
  • Lindsey German - Convenor Stop the War Coalition (UK)
  • Ian Goodrum - Senior editor, China Daily
  • Alex Gordon - former President, National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers (RMT)
  • Juan Grabois - MTE, CTEP, Frente Patria Grande (Argentina)
  • Danny Haiphong - Author of ‘American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News – From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror’
  • Itai Hagman - Frente Patria Grande y Frente de Todos (Argentina)
  • Billy Hayes - National Officer, Stop the War Coalition (UK)
  • Jos Hennes - Senior publisher, EPO, Belgium
  • Luis Hernández Navarro - Journalist, Mexico
  • Elias Jabbour – Associate Professor at Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil)
  • Rob Kajiwara - Okinawa Hawaiian musician, author, human rights activist
  • Kristine Karch - Co-chair, international network "No to war - no to NATO" (Germany)
  • Margaret Kimberley - (US)
  • Dan Kovalik - Adjunt Professor of International Human Rights, University of Pittsburgh School of Law
  • Rania Khalek - Journalist
  • Mike Klonsky - Co-host at Hitting Left radio
  • Lee Siu Hin - National Coordinator, China-US Solidarity Network, National Immigrant Solidarity Network
  • Ken Loach - Filmmaker
  • Dr Gilberto López y Rivas - Anthropologist, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Red en Defensa de la Humanidad, Mexico
  • Lowkey - Musician and activist
  • Pedro Marin - Editor, Revista Opera (Brazil)
  • Brian Mier - Co-editor Brasil Wire (Brazil)
  • Abby Martin - Editor, The Empire Files
  • Carlos Martinez - Author of 'The End of the Beginning: Lessons of the Soviet Collapse'
  • Aaron Maté - Journalist, The Grayzone
  • Bianca Mugyenyi - Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
  • Andrew Murray - Chief of Staff, Unite the Union / Former advisor to Jeremy Corbyn MP (personal capacity)
  • Pablo Navarrete - British-Chilean Journalist and filmmaker
  • Ng Sauw Tjhoi - Belgian journalist and China expert
  • Dirk Nimmegeers - Editor (Belgium)
  • Ben Norton - Assistant Editor, The Grayzone
  • Norman Paech - Professor Emeritus of International Law, former MP and foreign policy spokesperson for Die Linke (Germany)
  • Anya Parampil – Journalist and presenter, The Grayzone
  • John Pampallis – Former government advisor (South Africa)
  • Aline Piva – Senior Editor, Council on Hemispheric Affairs (Brazil)
  • John Philpot – Attorney, International Criminal Law, Quebec
  • Kari Polanyi Levitt – Emerita Professor of Economics at McGill University, Montreal
  • Valter Pomar – Professor of international relations, Federal University of ABC (Brazil)
  • Vijay Prashad - Executive-Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research (India)
  • Alain Rouy - Secrétaire National, Le Mouvement de la Paix (France)
  • Qiao Collective
  • Murad Qureshi – Chair, Stop the War Coalition (UK)
  • Sami Ramadani – Iraqi Democrats (UK)
  • Wyatt Reed – Journalist, US
  • John Riddell – Comintern Publishing Project (Canada)
  • Paul Rogers – Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford
  • John Ross – Senior Fellow, Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China (UK)
  • Werner Ruf – Professor Emeritus of International Relations at the University of Kassel (Germany)
  • Stephen Sefton – Writer, Coordinator Tortilla con Sal Media collective (Nicaragua)
  • Ajit Singh – Journalist and China specialist (Canada)
  • Ingar Solty – Senior Research Fellow at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany)
  • Yury Tavrovsky - Author of 'America Against China: A Cold War in Times of Coronavirus', Izborsk Club (Russia)
  • Yashpal Tandon - Professor, author and public intellectual (Uganda)
  • Carol Turner - National Officer, Stop the War Coalition (UK)
  • Tom Unterrainer - Vice-Chair, CND; Director, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
  • Hugo Van Dienderen - Politician, Groen Party, Belgium
  • Marc Vandepitte - Belgian journalist and publicist
  • Willi Van Ooyen - Former chair of Die Linke in the Landtag of Hesse (Germany)
  • Ollie Vargas - Kawsachun News (Bolivia)
  • John Wight - Writer and political commentator
  • Frank Willems - Former Chair, Belgium China Friendship Association
  • Yang Hanyi – Senior editor (China)
  • Yasemin Zahra - Chairwoman, Labor Against the War (US)
  • Zhan Hao - Geopolitical analyst, new finance investor (China)

Signatories - organisations

  • Left Unity (Britain)


  • A (Australia)
  • Aaron Albrecht - Student (United States)
  • Aaron Kiely - Labour Party (Britain) activist (United Kingdom)
  • Abhi Jaiswal (United States)
  • Abhijit Sen - Student, Jadavapur University (India)
  • Abram Zewuster (Sweden)
  • ada donno - President, AWMR Italy - Donne della Regione Mediterranea (Italy)
  • Adam (United States)
  • Adam Boughadou (Canada)
  • Adam Bristow (Ireland)
  • Adam Broinowski - researcher, lecturer, ANU (Australia)
  • Adam Broiowski (Australia)
  • Adam Torok (Romania)
  • Adan (United States)
  • Aditya Kumar (India)
  • Adrian C.Y. Fu (Canada)
  • Aeddon Stiles (United States)
  • Agnes Kory (United Kingdom)
  • Aidan Ingold (United States)
  • Ai Lee (United Kingdom)
  • Ajay Ghosh - Comrade, CPIM (India)
  • Aji Adhinatha Laksmana - Cadre, Perhimpunan Sosialis Revolusioner (Indonesia)
  • Akash Moitra (India)
  • Akilan (India)
  • Akis (Greece)
  • Akiyki Ode Tolentino Leite - Musician, Artist (Brazil)
  • Akradeth Lirapirom (Germany)
  • Akshay Balasaheb Jadhav (India)
  • Alain Azzam - Owner, Tektonik inc. (Canada)
  • Alan Butterworth - Mr. (United Kingdom)
  • Alan Freeman - Research Affiliate, University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • Alan Goo - Just A.D.D. Sense (New Zealand)
  • Alan Hayward (United Kingdom)
  • Alan Marshall (United Kingdom)
  • Alan Mason (United Kingdom)
  • Alan Tan - NA, NA (Malaysia)
  • Alan Thorndike (United Kingdom)
  • Alastair Wilson (United Kingdom)
  • Alba (Spain)
  • Albert Chuabio (Philippines)
  • Alberto Rotundo (Italy)
  • Alberto Zerda-Noriega (United Kingdom)
  • Albert Zhou - PhD Student, KIT (Germany)
  • Alborz Habibi (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
  • Albrecht Schmiedel (Germany)
  • Aleksandar Mirkovic - Video Editor, N/N (Serbia)
  • Alessandro d'Angelo (Italy)
  • Alessandro d'Angelo (Italy)
  • Alexander Hobel (Italy)
  • Alexander Müller (Germany)
  • Alexander Uy (Philippines)
  • Alexandre Olival (Portugal)
  • Alex Chang (Canada)
  • Alex Charlton (United Kingdom)
  • Alexei Goldsmith (United States)
  • Alex fern (Australia)
  • Alex Hensley (United States)
  • Alexis Moreno (United States)
  • Alex Makosz - K12 Futures (Canada)
  • Alex Ricciardi (United States)
  • Alfa Leung (Singapore)
  • Alf Beckinsale (United Kingdom)
  • Alfreda Benge (United Kingdom)
  • Alfred Alexander Davis (United States)
  • Alfred Chan - Dr. (Canada)
  • Al-Hussein N Abutaleb - Student (United Kingdom)
  • Ali Ahmed Enamul Haque - Workers Party of Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
  • Alice Lv (United States)
  • Alice Madcow - Data Analyst, Retired (United Kingdom)
  • alice slater - Board Member, World Beyond War (United States)
  • Alicia Liu (United States)
  • ali mahmoud (Iraq)
  • Ali Reda Jeafar (United States)
  • Allan Featherstone (United Kingdom)
  • Allan Oman - Photographer (Canada)
  • Allan Y Mah (United States)
  • Allen Peyton (United States)
  • Allen Schenck (United States)
  • Allison Fewtrell - South Manchester Unit Secretary, Communist Party of Britain (United Kingdom)
  • All Marxist Leninist Union - Student Organization (United States)
  • Ally (United Kingdom)
  • Allyn Cashman (United Kingdom)
  • Alvi Chowdhury (United States)
  • Alvin Ja (United States)
  • Alwin de Bruine (Netherlands)
  • alyssa swett (United States)
  • Amílcar Guerra - Tricontinental Institute (Mexico)
  • Amin Isat (United Kingdom)
  • A Moy (United States)
  • Amrit (Canada)
  • Amrit Randay (Canada)
  • Ana Márcia Vainsencher - Journalist (Brazil)
  • AnanthaPad (India)
  • Ananyo Chakraborty (India)
  • Ana Penido (Brazil)
  • Anastasia Carr (United States)
  • Anders Bjerre Mikkelsen - pensionist, Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark (Denmark)
  • Anders Fenger - Journalist, Arbejderen (Denmark)
  • Anders Kristensen - Chairman, Denmark-DPR Korea Friendship Association (Denmark)
  • Anderson (Brazil)
  • Anderson Robert L - Chair, Stop the War Machine (United States)
  • Anders Sørensen - Ansvarshavende redaktør, Dagbladet Arbejderen (Denmark)
  • Andrea Gilbert (United Kingdom)
  • Andreas (Australia)
  • ANDREA SAMPAIO - Partido dos Trabalhadores - BRASIL (Brazil)
  • Andreas Chang (Sweden)
  • André Brochu - Swedish Peace Committee (Sweden)
  • Andrée Crépeau md - Mother and friend of Russia and China, member: Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (Canada)
  • Andrej (Macedonia, Republic of)
  • Andrew (Andy) Alcock - Australian Greens (Australia)
  • Andrew Chua (Canada)
  • Andrew Fung (United States)
  • andrew heaney (United Kingdom)
  • Andrew Henderson (United Kingdom)
  • Andrew Katsetos - Mr. (United States)
  • Andrew Lim (Malaysia)
  • Andrew Lohmann (United Kingdom)
  • Andrew Ma (Australia)
  • Andrew Plant (United Kingdom)
  • Andrew Reel (United States)
  • Andrew Tompkins - PhD Student, Indiana University (United States)
  • Andy owen (Netherlands)
  • Andy Smith - Redcar Momentum (United Kingdom)
  • angad singh - Retired (United States)
  • Angela Chiao (Canada)
  • Angela Pezzack (United Kingdom)
  • Angèle Yehe Zheng (Luxembourg)
  • Angelo Costa - retired, home user (Brazil)
  • Angelo Giuliano - political activist (Switzerland)
  • Angie (Australia)
  • Ang Tiong Hoo (Malaysia)
  • Anibal García - Student (Mexico)
  • Anil Raghuramu (United Kingdom)
  • Anil Raghuramu (United Kingdom)
  • Annabel Chua (Australia)
  • Anna Hollander - professor emerita in law (Sweden)
  • Anne Behr (Denmark)
  • Anne Chan (United Kingdom)
  • Ann Garrison - Contributing Editor, Black Agenda Report (United States)
  • Annie (United States)
  • anniek Fokkens (Netherlands)
  • Ann Parry - Unite Community (United Kingdom)
  • Anqi (China)
  • Anthony Gidora (Canada)
  • Anthony Hacking - Youth Officer, Labour Party (United Kingdom)
  • Anthony Liu (United States)
  • Anthony Tous (United States)
  • Antoni Infante - Decidim (Andorra)
  • Antonio Braz Binda (Brazil)
  • Antonio De La Torre - Undergraduate Student (United States)
  • Antony Moore - Concerned Citizen (United Kingdom)
  • Anwen Jones (United Kingdom)
  • Anwesh Bhattacharya - Co-founder, Indian Alliance Paris (France)
  • April Pan (Australia)
  • Aravind Raj - Director , Far East Foundations (Taiwan)
  • Archana Pathak - PhD Candidate (India)
  • Arena Yao - Teacher (Australia)
  • A. Reysenbach (Belgium)
  • Ari Shinsky - Member, Party for Socialism and Liberation (United States)
  • Arjun Sugumar - Lead Designer, Dariyal Games (India)
  • Armando van Vlastuin (Netherlands)
  • Arnav Maturi - President, Ambedkarite Marxist study circle of Hyderabad (India)
  • Arnold August - Journalist/Author , Fellow, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (Canada)
  • Arnold Jansen - Retired (Canada)
  • Arnold Jansen - Retired (Canada)
  • Arron Thomas (United Kingdom)
  • Arslan Yusuf (Pakistan)
  • Arthur Gatland - Nil (New Zealand)
  • Arthur Kern (United States)
  • Arthur Xu (United States)
  • Arup Kumar Saha - Regional Manager, Ethical Sourcing and Sustainable Merchandise, The Warehouse Group (Bangladesh)
  • Aryan Kharinta (India)
  • Aryan Kumar (Switzerland)
  • AS (Belgium)
  • Asa Winstanley - Investigative journalist (United Kingdom)
  • Asger Sandal Jeppesen - journalist, Kommunistisk Parti (Denmark)
  • Asha Patel (United States)
  • Ashiya (India)
  • Athi Aru (United Kingdom)
  • Audrey (Australia)
  • Augustinho José Rodrigues - NO WAR (Brazil)
  • Au Kean Hoe (Malaysia)
  • austin (United States)
  • Austin John Sibley (United Kingdom)
  • Aydin karimishad - Medical doctrea, Unfortunately Independent (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
  • Azlina Firzah Abd. Aziz - Surgeon, PANTAI HOSPITAL KUALA LUMPUR (Malaysia)
  • Bahman Azad - Coordinator, Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases (United States)
  • Bahman Azad - Executive Secretary, U.S. Peace Council (United States)
  • Ban Tung Mac (United Kingdom)
  • Baran B. Özden (Turkey)
  • Barbara Hartley - University of Queensland Honorary (Australia)
  • Barbara Larcom (United States)
  • Barbara Müller - DFG/VK (Germany)
  • Bård Daniel Åkre - Teacher (Norway)
  • Bård Daniel Åkre (Norway)
  • Barnet Socialists - Press, Media and PR, Barnet Socialists (United Kingdom)
  • BARRY GOODMAN (United Kingdom)
  • Barry Gray (United Kingdom)
  • Bart Bolger - Veterans For Peace, Linus Pauling Chapter 132 (United States)
  • Bea Bleile (Australia)
  • Beaton Zuka Kaluba - VitaPlus Foods Limited (Zambia)
  • Becky Comeau (United States)
  • Bei Chen - University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
  • Ben (United States)
  • Ben (United States)
  • Ben (Canada)
  • bengt arne eik (Norway)
  • Ben Gurka (United States)
  • Beni Rüesch (Switzerland)
  • Benjamin Bradlow - Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University (United States)
  • Benjamin Kim - Sahngnoksoo (United States)
  • Benjamin Schoendorff (Canada)
  • Benjamin S Pua (Philippines)
  • Benjamin Vaughan (United Kingdom)
  • Benjamin Zarzour - Student, University of Leeds (United Kingdom)
  • Ben Kalfayan (United Kingdom)
  • Ben Kodres-O'Brien - PhD Student, Columbia University (United States)
  • ben lee - Private Investor (Malaysia)
  • Ben Lee (Malaysia)
  • Ben Lefebvre - Technician and former union representative, Retired (Canada)
  • Benny Stanfield (United States)
  • Ben Ughetti (United Kingdom)
  • Ben Youlten (Australia)
  • Bernard De Volder (Belgium)
  • Bernard Foy (United Kingdom)
  • Bernard Nijssen - retired, none (Netherlands)
  • Berta Gutierrez (United States)
  • Bethanee Ricard (United States)
  • Beth Handley (United Kingdom)
  • Betty So-Kwok - Voccc (Canada) (Canada)
  • Beverley Dight (Australia)
  • Beyaz Almas (Canada)
  • Bhagath Gireesh (India)
  • Bian Lee - Dr (Australia)
  • Biljana Vankovska - Prof., Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Macedonia, Republic of)
  • Bill Appledorf - Individual Human Being (Canada)
  • bill baskin (United States)
  • Bill Kwong (Australia)
  • Bill Margeson (Canada)
  • Birgit Malzahn - Kasseler Friedensforum (Germany)
  • Birgit Sørensen - psychologist (Denmark)
  • B. Keith Brumley (United States)
  • Bob A. Feldman (United States)
  • Bob Oram (United Kingdom)
  • Bonnie C (United States)
  • Bonnie Holsinger (United States)
  • Boonee Teoh (Australia)
  • Boon Sim - Mr. (Australia)
  • Boon Tan (United Kingdom)
  • Borys Niewiadomski - REP, TSUKI (United States)
  • Bosco Tang - student (China)
  • Brad Golding (Australia)
  • Brad Janzen - CPUSA (United States)
  • Bradley Blankenship - Journalist, columinst (Czechia)
  • Brad Owen (United States)
  • Brandon (Canada)
  • Brandon Schorsch (United States)
  • Brandon Wong - Social worker (Canada)
  • B. Reilly Shellito (United States)
  • Brenda Brown (United Kingdom)
  • Brendan Devlin - Master's Student, University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • Brennan Young (Denmark)
  • Brenton Brookings - Party for Socialism and Liberation (United States)
  • Brian Helt (United States)
  • Brian Lacy - Direct Action Coalition (United States)
  • Brian Michael Napoletano (Mexico)
  • Brian M Schatz - Schatz Landscape Design (United States)
  • Brian Precious (United Kingdom)
  • Brian Reynolds (United States)
  • Brian Robertson (United Kingdom)
  • Bridget McGovern - Research Associate (United States)
  • Brigitte Breidenbach - private person (Germany)
  • Bruno Filipe - Student/Researcher, Group of studies and research "State, Economic Groups and Public Policies" (ECOPOL/Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro) (Brazil)
  • Bryan Street (Canada)
  • Bulent Uyar (Australia)
  • Byron (Hong Kong)
  • Caitlin Hoyland (United Kingdom)
  • Calla Walsh (United States)
  • Calum Baird (United Kingdom)
  • Calum Baird - Musician (United Kingdom)
  • Calvin Ho (Canada)
  • Camilo Perez-Bustillo (United States)
  • Campbell McLennon Umbers - Labourer (Australia)
  • Cangun Kanmaz - UNSPECIFIED (Canada)
  • Capri Parmar (Australia)
  • Carissa Brands (United States)
  • Carl Johansson (United States)
  • Carl Martin Jørgensen (Denmark)
  • Carlos Antonio Coutrim Caridade - Partido dos Trabalhadores - Jesúpolis/GO (Brazil)
  • Carlos F Bunge (Mexico)
  • Carlos Flores Castillo (Denmark)
  • Carlos Martínez García (Spain)
  • Carlos Ochoa Machuca (Mexico)
  • Carlos Ongchoco (Philippines)
  • Carlos Roberto da Silva (Brazil)
  • Carmen (Australia)
  • Carol V Snell-Feikema (United States)
  • Carol Woodruff (United States)
  • Carolyn Schrama (Germany)
  • Carrie Hedderwick - Communist Party of Britain (United Kingdom)
  • carsten andersen - Århus mod Krig og Terror (Denmark)
  • Caryn Maxim (United States)
  • Cassir (United Kingdom)
  • Catherine McLean (United Kingdom)
  • Catherine M Stanford, PhD (United States)
  • CATHERINE WILKERSON - Washtenaw Reds (United States)
  • Catherine Zhou (United States)
  • Catherin Johnson (United States)
  • Cathy Mak - Teacher (Hong Kong)
  • Cecilia Esparza (United Kingdom)
  • celeste machristie - Title/Prefix* (United States)
  • Celik Cem - Member, Partito comunista della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland)
  • Chai Leng Lim - Dr, Lim Plastic and Cosmetic Clinic (Malaysia)
  • Chance Johnson (United States)
  • chantelle oliver (Canada)
  • Charisse Burden-Stelly - Assistant Professor, Carleton College (United States)
  • Charles Bernard - PRCF (France)
  • Charles Evans (United States)
  • Charles & Karen McFadden - Please protect our environment (Canada)
  • Charles McKelvey - Writer, Substack (United States)
  • Charles Shaar Murray (United Kingdom)
  • Charles van der Haegen (Belgium)
  • Charles Xu - Socialists of Caltech (United States)
  • Charlie Bird (United Kingdom)
  • Charlotte Kates - international coordinator, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Canada)
  • Chartsiri (Thailand)
  • Chase yu (United States)
  • CheKim Chhuor (Canada)
  • Cheng Lai Lee (Australia)
  • Cheong Theng Way (Malaysia)
  • Cher Wraxall (United Kingdom)
  • cheryl g (Japan)
  • Cheryl Parker (United States)
  • Cheryl sanchez - committee member, jadc (United Kingdom)
  • Chester - Director , F & M builders (Hong Kong)
  • Chidananda Basalingappa (India)
  • Chiensan Feng - professor, National Cheng Chi University (Taiwan)
  • China Hater 69 (China)
  • Chinese Flunky - Dumb Ass, Flunkies R Us (United States)
  • Chin K Seah (Canada)
  • Chin Leng Koay (Australia)
  • Chin Tan - Dr (Retired) (United Kingdom)
  • Choi Ying Chan - Health worker (Australia)
  • Chong Chu (Canada)
  • Chris Akpan (United Kingdom)
  • Chris Chen (Canada)
  • Chris Davies (United Kingdom)
  • Chris Lamkin (United States)
  • Chris Larsson (Sweden)
  • Chris Le (United Kingdom)
  • Chris Minter - Communist Party (United Kingdom)
  • Christian Féard (France)
  • Christian Glover Alfonso (United States)
  • Christian H Haryanto (Indonesia)
  • Christina Mfanga - Secretary General, Tanzania Socialist Forum (TASOFO) (Tanzania)
  • Christine Neo (Singapore)
  • Christopher (Ecuador)
  • Christopher Basson (United Kingdom)
  • Christopher Fisher - Editor, The Raucous Rooster (United States)
  • Christopher J. H. Ho - independent scholar, author of 'Civil Disobedience in the Era of Videogames' (2022) (Hong Kong)
  • Christopher Milne (United Kingdom)
  • Christopher Turnbull (Canada)
  • Christoph Haun (Germany)
  • Christoph Michel - Retired Chief Risk Officer APAC (Hong Kong)
  • Chris W - Public Sector Worker (United Kingdom)
  • Chris Williamson - Resist (United Kingdom)
  • Chris Yahya (Indonesia)
  • Chu Ngan Ying (Canada)
  • CJ (United States)
  • CJ Er - Trainer, Aerospace engines (Singapore)
  • claire favretto (France)
  • Claire M. Cohen, M.D. (United States)
  • Clare Harris (Australia)
  • Claudia Fernandes - Humanist and Human Rights Defender, INCub Portugal (Portugal)
  • Claudia Siri (Italy)
  • Claudio Papalia - editor of - , Filming with a European Regard in Turin (FERT), independent media content association (Italy)
  • Clea Matson (United States)
  • Clemens Krause (Germany)
  • Clemens Krause (Germany)
  • Clement Koh (Singapore)
  • Clifford Luyt (Canada)
  • Clive Fudge (United Kingdom)
  • Cole Harrison - Executive Director, Massachusetts Peace Action (United States)
  • COLIN CRAIG (United Kingdom)
  • Colin Healey (Australia)
  • Colin Ricketts (United Kingdom)
  • Collettivo Tongil (Italy)
  • Colten Tyler (United States)
  • Colton Yen Lee (United States)
  • Comrade Brian (Canada)
  • Comrade Callum (Canada)
  • Connie Woo (Canada)
  • Connor Hunt (United Kingdom)
  • Connor Porzig - Student, WMU Cooley Law School (United States)
  • Conrad Yin - Managing Director (Hong Kong)
  • Conrad Yin - Managing Director (Hong Kong)
  • Corazon Valdez Fabros - Co-Convenor, Scrap VFA Movement (Philippines)
  • Cornelius Tay (Canada)
  • craig johnston - Site Manager, Eurogarages (United Kingdom)
  • Cristina Navarrete (United Kingdom)
  • Crystal Zevon (United States)
  • Cyril Wheat (United Kingdom)
  • Dahren George (United States)
  • Daisy (United Kingdom)
  • Daisy - Solution architect manager (Canada)
  • Daniel A. Kaluzhski (United States)
  • Daniel Ananda Pradipta - Independent (Indonesia)
  • Daniel Cheong (Japan)
  • Daniel Davis (United States)
  • Daniele Puccio - University of Leipzig / Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany)
  • Daniel Figueroa (United States)
  • Daniel Francis (United States)
  • Daniel Kelly (United States)
  • Daniel Lee (Australia)
  • Daniel Lenkeit (Germany)
  • Daniel Lim - Mr (Australia)
  • Daniel Meininger (United States)
  • Daniel Mootz (United States)
  • Daniel Petera - Student (Czechia)
  • Daniel Rogers (United States)
  • Daniel Saadia - Software developer & tech enthusiast (France)
  • Daniel Sihombing - Kristen Hijau (Indonesia)
  • DANIEL WANDERLEY CALIMAN - Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers' Party) (Brazil)
  • Daniel Younessi - Political economist, New School for Social Research (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
  • Dan Lee Miller Wheeller (Spain)
  • Danny Mccool (United Kingdom)
  • Danny Shell (United Kingdom)
  • Dan Smith (Australia)
  • Dan Yaseen - Peace Fresno (United States)
  • Darán Ó Dochartaigh (Ireland)
  • Darin Koenig (United States)
  • Darren Haq (United Kingdom)
  • Das Bikash Kali - Secretary General, Pondicherry India-China friendship association (India)
  • Dave Brommwich (New Zealand)
  • Dave Chapman (United Kingdom)
  • Dave Choy (Malaysia)
  • David Ayrton (United Kingdom)
  • David Chang (Australia)
  • david cheung - retiree (Australia)
  • David Cipriano - Student, University of Hartford (United States)
  • David Davies (United Kingdom)
  • David Ding - World Citizen (Australia)
  • David Fairn (Canada)
  • David Hebblethwaite (United Kingdom)
  • David Howarth (United Kingdom)
  • DAVID J. CHIN (Canada)
  • David Laibman - Editor, Science & Society (United States)
  • David Libang Huang - Multilingual Employee, China Construction Bank Beijing Branch (China)
  • David Manthey (Australia)
  • David McGarry (United Kingdom)
  • david meldrum (United States)
  • David Müller (Switzerland)
  • David Nelson Pimentel - comrade, PSL (United States)
  • David Ng (Malaysia)
  • David Rasmussen - None, None (United States)
  • David Ross Warburton - Teacher (United States)
  • david rous - Teacher, Kandinsky College Nijmegen (Netherlands)
  • David Schwartzman - DC Statehood Green Party (United States)
  • David Sliwinski - Citizen Of The World, Peace At All Cost (United States)
  • David St. Jean (Canada)
  • David Swanson - Executive Director, World BEYOND War (United States)
  • David Tay (Singapore)
  • David Timlin (United Kingdom)
  • David Tran (United States)
  • David Waterman (United Kingdom)
  • David Welsh - Delegate, San Francisco Labor Council (United States)
  • david wilby - mr, none (Canada)
  • David Willson (Australia)
  • Davin Ramlogan (United States)
  • Dawei Li (United States)
  • dawn regier (United States)
  • Dean Al-Faheem - Organiser, YCL Britain (United Kingdom)
  • Dean Garrett (United States)
  • Deanna Ren (United States)
  • Debashish Chakrabarty - Artist and Author (Bangladesh)
  • Debbie Friedman - Please select (United Kingdom)
  • Debbie James - Executive Board, Unite North Metro Denver (United States)
  • Debbie Thornton (United Kingdom)
  • Dee Knight - Member, DSA International Committee (United States)
  • Dee Thomson - Educator, N/A (New Zealand)
  • Deez (United States)
  • DeMilu (United States)
  • Demond Cureton - Journalist (United Kingdom)
  • Denise Shin (Canada)
  • Denis Fernando (United Kingdom)
  • Deniz Kizilcec - Publisher, Canut International Publishers (Germany)
  • Dennis (Macao)
  • dennis curry (Canada)
  • Dennis Lee (Canada)
  • dennis nelson (United Kingdom)
  • Denny Cheung (United States)
  • Derek R. Ford - Organizer, ANSWER Coalition (United States)
  • Derek Tom (Hong Kong)
  • Derick Siu (Canada)
  • Derrick Sosa - Black Alliance for Peace (United States)
  • Desiree Assaad (Canada)
  • Devin Baton (United States)
  • De Winter Joris - militant vredesactisct, Pvda (Belgium)
  • Dexter Willett - Party for Socialism and Liberation (United States)
  • Dharam S. Khalsa (United States)
  • Diana Bohn - Nicaragua Center for Community Action (United States)
  • Diane Brown (Canada)
  • Diane Piedmont - writer, Ms. (Canada)
  • Diane Theresa Brooks (United States)
  • Dianne Sharma-Winter (New Zealand)
  • Dianne Varga - writer, activist (Canada)
  • Didier Tam (Canada)
  • Diego Jiménez - Spanish Teacher, Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College (China)
  • Diego Meijide Garcia (Spain)
  • Ding Chen (Australia)
  • Diogo Calado - Associate Professor, Setubal Polytechnic Institute (Portugal)
  • Dione (Singapore)
  • Dirk Wainer - Director, PR Asia (China)
  • Diya Chordia - Student (India)
  • Diya Moushahwar (United States)
  • Dmitri Sotnikov (Canada)
  • Dmitry Rudkevich Jr (United States)
  • D Neibert (Canada)
  • Dom Biddulph - Artist (United Kingdom)
  • Domenico Guido RAVERA (Italy)
  • Dominic Hale - Unison/ Labour Party (United Kingdom)
  • Dominic MacAskill - Trade Union organiser (United Kingdom)
  • Donald Ganer (United States)
  • donald han (Canada)
  • Donna Cash (United States)
  • Donna Hume (United Kingdom)
  • Doris Federl (Germany)
  • Dorotea (Croatia)
  • Dorothy Chapman (United States)
  • Douglas (United Kingdom)
  • Douglas Henry (United States)
  • Douglas Hockin (United States)
  • Douglas Lycett (United States)
  • Douglas Olson - Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP) (United States)
  • Dr Andreas Buerki - Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Andreas Müller (Germany)
  • Drayke (United States)
  • Drew Ridge - president, truthsearch productions (United States)
  • Dr Ka-Sing Chua (Australia)
  • Dr. Kim E. Koo - member, Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group (United States)
  • Dr Patricia Lewis-Wong - Peaceful individual , private individual who believes in cooperation rather than confrontation. (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Ping Hua - Director, Chinese Arts Southampton (United Kingdom)
  • Dr Q Wang (United Kingdom)
  • Dr. Thomas Lackner - Dr. (Germany)
  • Drweski - direction board, ARAC (France)
  • Dr. Yvonne Hapke (Germany)
  • D. Tjin (Netherlands)
  • Duncan McFarland - co-chair, Committees of Correspondence Socialist Education Project (United States)
  • Dylan Thorne (Australia)
  • Dylan Walker - Student at Beijing Language and Culture University (United States)
  • EdChew (Malaysia)
  • Edgar Benitez (United States)
  • Edith Kantrowitz (United States)
  • Ed MacArthur - Retired Teacher (Canada)
  • Edna de Carvalho (Brazil)
  • Ed Sykes - Independent journalist (United Kingdom)
  • Eduardo Tadeu Pereira - Professor Visitante , Unifesp - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brazil)
  • Eduardo Villegas González - Concejal IU-Podemos Ayuntamiento Santa Cruz del Retamar (Toledo), PCE (Spain)
  • EDWARD CHENG - Licensed Acupuncturist, ACUPUNCTURE CENTER, P. S. (United States)
  • Edward McGuire - Composer & musician (United Kingdom)
  • Edward Meow (Singapore)
  • Edward T Felton (United States)
  • Edward Yeow - Dr (Australia)
  • Edward Yu (United States)
  • Edwin Barrett (Australia)
  • Eigil Møller (Denmark)
  • Eimid Ó hÁirt (Ireland)
  • Eirik Gundersen (Norway)
  • Elaine Aguiar Nunan (Brazil)
  • Elaine Russell (United Kingdom)
  • Eleanor Davidson (United Kingdom)
  • Eliécer Jiménez Julio - Periodista Director , Panorama (Switzerland)
  • Elijah David Morrow (United States)
  • Elisabeth Hills (United States)
  • ELISABETH INGEBURG SOUZA HESS - Mestre em literatura brasileira (Brazil)
  • Elisabeth Scott (United States)
  • Elizabeth Bissell - law assistant (United States)
  • Elizabeth Bowman - President, Center for Global Justice (Mexico)
  • Elizabeth Lee - Volunteer, MAW0 (Canada)
  • Ellen E Barfield (United States)
  • Ellen Judd - Distinguished Professor and Professor of Anthropology, University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • Ellen Judd - Distinguished Professor, U Manitoba (Canada)
  • Ellie Jenkins (United Kingdom)
  • Ellie Vincent (United Kingdom)
  • Elliot Gulliver-Needham (United Kingdom)
  • eloi ramirez (United States)
  • Eloi Sanchez Ambros (Spain)
  • Elwood Brown (United Kingdom)
  • Emilio Bunge González - student, UNAM (Mexico)
  • Emily Crum (United States)
  • Emily Han (United States)
  • Emily W Hui (United States)
  • Emin Seval (Turkey)
  • Endrus (Germany)
  • Enrique Santiago - Secretario GENERAL del PCE y Portavoz adjunto de Unidas Podemos en el Congreso del Estado Español, Partido COMUNISTA de ESPAÑA (PCE) (Spain)
  • Erdal Ketenci (Turkey)
  • Ergin Kurt - Worker, Saatleri 5'e Ayarlama Enstitüsü (Turkey)
  • Eric (United States)
  • Eric Andrade (United States)
  • Eric Arnow (Thailand)
  • Eric Chen (Canada)
  • Eric E Johansson - Veteran - Member, Veterans for Peace (United States)
  • Eric Ekong (United Kingdom)
  • Eric Ho (Malaysia)
  • Eric Schütz (Germany)
  • Eric Unger - Creator/Host, The Red Lettuce (United States)
  • Eric Woo (Canada)
  • Eric Yang (United States)
  • Erik Gersovitz (United States)
  • Erik José de Souza - Student at the University of São Paulo, Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B) (Brazil)
  • Erik Klepsvik - Pensioner (Norway)
  • Erik Petersson (Sweden)
  • Erin Keskeny (United States)
  • Ernesto Arce - News Director, Strategy Center, Los Angeles (United States)
  • Erwin Franzen (Luxembourg)
  • Esteban Almiron (United Kingdom)
  • Estella Schmid - Peace in Kurdistan Campaign (United Kingdom)
  • Esther Schrader (Germany)
  • E.T. de Ruijter (Netherlands)
  • Ethan Hart Feldman-Anmuth (United States)
  • Eugene Mwika (United Kingdom)
  • Evelyn Joe (Canada)
  • Evie H (Australia)
  • Ezra Ament (United States)
  • Fabrício lima (Brazil)
  • FAHIM SHIRAZEE - Please Select (United States)
  • Fang Wang (United Kingdom)
  • Faramarz Farbod - Founder, Beyond Capitalism Working Group (United States)
  • Fatmir Zeneli - Retired Civil Servant (Canada)
  • Favre Joël (Switzerland)
  • Federico Drago (Italy)
  • Féilim Ó hAdhmaill - University Lecturer (Ireland)
  • Felicia Huang (United Kingdom)
  • Felicitas Rijnbeek (Netherlands)
  • Felicity De Motta - Lecturer (United Kingdom)
  • Fernando Cesar Ferreira - Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (Brazil)
  • Fernando Da Costa - Member of the Working Class (Anarchist) (United States)
  • Fernando Gregorio da Silva (Brazil)
  • Feyzi Ismail (United Kingdom)
  • Fiona Kolontari (United Kingdom)
  • Fiona Sim (United Kingdom)
  • Fionna Thong (Malaysia)
  • Flavio (Brazil)
  • Flora Chong (Canada)
  • Florin (United States)
  • Foo Yen Pyng (Singapore)
  • Francesco Maringiò (Italy)
  • Francesco Raveggi (Italy)
  • Frances Hasso - Professor at Duke University, Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Group (United States)
  • Frances Hsieh (Hong Kong)
  • Francis Chow (Canada)
  • Francis Kong (China)
  • Francis Lucero (Canada)
  • Frank Gullihur (United States)
  • Frankie Cloman (United States)
  • Frank J Tang (Taiwan)
  • Franklin Pearson - Activist/ co Director (United Kingdom)
  • Frank Ni (Singapore)
  • Frank Willems - Former chairman, Belgian China friendship Association (Belgium)
  • Franz Broswimmer - PhD, NA (Austria)
  • Franz Gonzalez (Venezuela)
  • Franz Piribauer (Austria)
  • Fred (United States)
  • Frederic Brun (France)
  • Frederic Nguyen - PRODUCER, NORTH JERSEY VIDEO COLLECTIVE (United States)
  • Fredrik Lindblå - Clarté (Sweden)
  • Fred S Morris - NA, Retired (United States)
  • Fritz Thiem (Germany)
  • Gabriela Dalhoeven - Owner, Vital Mind (Netherlands)
  • Gabriel Catão - OAB RJ (Brazil)
  • Gabriel Henrique E. G. Bach - Student (Brazil)
  • Gabriel Rajash Maharaj (United States)
  • gan seng chee (Malaysia)
  • Gareth (United Kingdom)
  • Gareth Morley - President, BC Government Lawyers Association (Canada)
  • Garret Hayes (United States)
  • Garry Strudwick (United Kingdom)
  • Gary Ervin (United States)
  • Gary Grass (United States)
  • Gary P. Supanich (United States)
  • Gary Wilson - Co-editor, Struggle-La Lucha (United States)
  • Gaston Van Dyck - PVDA (Belgium)
  • Gautam E Unni - PhD Student, University of Newcastle Australia (India)
  • Gautam Pillai - None, None (India)
  • G. Birring (United Kingdom)
  • Genaro (Venezuela)
  • Genco Guneser - Kurdish, Kurdistan (Australia)
  • Gen-Ling Chang (Canada)
  • Geoff Taylor (United Kingdom)
  • Georganne Kramer (United States)
  • George Kallas - Professor Political Science / US National Security History, Miramar College (United States)
  • George Knox (United States)
  • George Rushton - Mr (United Kingdom)
  • George Shaub (United States)
  • George Tsolakis (Cyprus)
  • George Vickers (United Kingdom)
  • Georgii Velizetnikov - Activist (Russian Federation)
  • Geraldine Sakharov (Canada)
  • Gerald McKinley (United Kingdom)
  • Gerard D - Organizer, NYC DSA (United States)
  • Ghaleelah Majiet - CEO, Nexus Solutions (South Africa)
  • Ghanendra B. Shrestha - Chairperson, Tourism Lawyers Forum Nepal (Nepal)
  • Ghislain St-Yves (Canada)
  • Gianfranco Radomile Oquendo - Student (Venezuela)
  • Gianna Mayoros (United States)
  • Gill Ratcliffe (United Kingdom)
  • Ginbolf Di gregorio (Venezuela)
  • Gino Bedani (United Kingdom)
  • Giovanni Natale (Italy)
  • Giuliana Facciolli - MA student, York University (Brazil)
  • Giuliano Granato - Speakerperson, Potere al Popolo! (Italy)
  • Giulio A Cirillo (United Kingdom)
  • Giusi Greta Di Cristina - Political Analyst (Italy)
  • Glenn Michalchuk - Chair , Peace Alliance Winnipeg (Canada)
  • Glyn Davies (United Kingdom)
  • Godefroy (France)
  • Goldsmiths Anti Imperialist Society - Goldsmiths Anti Imperialist Society (United Kingdom)
  • Göran Palm (Sweden)
  • Gordon Donaldson (United Kingdom)
  • Gordon J Damken (United States)
  • Grace Cheung (Canada)
  • Grace Ng Listkowski - Voccc (Canada)
  • Graeme A Rickards (Australia)
  • Graeme Briggs-White (United Kingdom)
  • Graham Jackson (Canada)
  • grahamsmithwick (United States)
  • Grant Quigley (United States)
  • Gregorio J. Pérez Almeida - Docente investigador, Centro Internacional Miranda (Venezuela)
  • Gregory Au-Yeung (Hong Kong)
  • Gregory Corning - president, Veterans For Peace, Santa Fe, New Mexico (United States)
  • Gregory Davies (United Kingdom)
  • Gregory D'Hallewin (Belgium)
  • Greg Thompson (United States)
  • Greta Sykes - chair person, London Voices Poetry Group (United Kingdom)
  • Gretchen Johnson (United States)
  • G Shikaripur (India)
  • Guang Xia (Canada)
  • Guan Her Ng (Netherlands)
  • guido paoluzi cusani (Italy)
  • GUIGUE - Writer (France)
  • GUILMAR PEREZ - Mr (Australia)
  • Gulser Kayir - volontaire enseignante, Centre de Conseils et de solidarite des femmes d'Antalya (Turkey)
  • Guntram Fink (Germany)
  • Guy Coste (Sweden)
  • Guy Roy - retraité, Parti Communiste du Québec (Canada)
  • Gwyn Williams (Nicaragua)
  • Haitao ZHU (China)
  • Håkan Danielsson (Sweden)
  • Håkan Olsson (Sweden)
  • Halfdan Wiik (Norway)
  • Hamza Adam Rafique - Medical Student, Glasgow University (United Kingdom)
  • Hamza Agha (India)
  • hanh (Vietnam)
  • Hannah Besser (United States)
  • Hannah Saunders (United Kingdom)
  • Hans Martin Seip - Professor Emeritus, University of Oslo (Norway)
  • Hanwen Zheng (China)
  • Hao Guan (China)
  • Haoming (China)
  • Haoyu Zhang - Professional Student, Duke University (China)
  • Harish Reddy - Software Engineer (United States)
  • Harold McMahon (Australia)
  • Harriet Evans - Visiting Professor in Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
  • Harry Antonian (Canada)
  • Hassan Muhammad - The Red Nation (United States)
  • Haukur Sigurdur Meldal - Pensionist (Denmark)
  • Hawwah A. - Student (United States)
  • Hayden Cornmell - N/A (United Kingdom)
  • Hayley Bertram (United Kingdom)
  • Hazel Ringor (United States)
  • HB Ooi - Self employed , Private peace activist (Singapore)
  • Héctor Cavalcanti Saavedra (Belgium)
  • Heiner Jestrabek - Publizist, Gewerkschafter, Mitglied Humanistischer Verband u.a. (Germany)
  • Heinz Bartels (Germany)
  • Helena Maria Ramos Alves - Dra, Embrapa (Brazil)
  • Helen Field (United Kingdom)
  • Helen Hayes (United Kingdom)
  • Helen Mercer (United Kingdom)
  • Helen Whooley - Teacher (Australia)
  • Helen Wishart (Spain)
  • Helmut Käss - Dr. med. , ippnw (Germany)
  • Heng (Australia)
  • Henrik Strøm (Denmark)
  • Henrik Wahren (Australia)
  • Henry Ashurst (United Kingdom)
  • Henry Evans-Tenbrinke - Recording Secretary, Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War (Canada)
  • Henry Lowendorf - Chair, Greater New Haven (CT, USA) Peace Council (United States)
  • Henry siu - Mr (Australia)
  • Herta Manenti - 423 (Italy)
  • Hien The Nguy (Canada)
  • Hilary Lerman - Greater Dayton Peace Coalition (United States)
  • Hinada, Seishi - member of secretariat, ZENKO (National Assembly for Peace & Democracy ) (Japan)
  • Hohenberger (Germany)
  • Hoi-Hung Cheung (United Kingdom)
  • hom Te - Mr (Australia)
  • Hong Wei - data analyst, ste (Singapore)
  • hugh steadman (New Zealand)
  • Hugo Wallin van Doesburg (Sweden)
  • Hugo Wanner - R&D, FairFin (Belgium)
  • Huseyin Abudharr Athanasios Ali-Diakides (United Kingdom)
  • Ian - Student (China)
  • Ian Dicks - Mr (United Kingdom)
  • Ian Drummond (United Kingdom)
  • Ian Grace - DSA (United States)
  • Ian Greig (Canada)
  • Ian Iveson (United Kingdom)
  • Ian leggat (United Kingdom)
  • Ian Prior (United Kingdom)
  • Ian Sun (United States)
  • Ian Trewin (United Kingdom)
  • idil (Turkey)
  • Iftikhar ahmad - Doctor and writer (United Kingdom)
  • Imtiaz Rangwala - University of Colorado, Boulder (United States)
  • Inge Jørgen Sivert Berg (Norway)
  • Iñigo Martínez Zatón - Diputado del Parlamento Vasco por Unidas Podemos - Izquierda Unida, Izquierda Unida (Spain)
  • intal - secretary, intal (Belgium)
  • intern. network "No to war - no to NATO" - intern. network "No to war - no to NATO" (Germany)
  • Ioan Kolozsvari (Canada)
  • Ion Florie Ho (United States)
  • Iraklis Oikonomou - Political scientist (Greece)
  • Irena Weber (Slovenia)
  • Irene Heitsch (United States)
  • Irina Beloozerova - Physiologist (United States)
  • Iris Yau FRSA FHEA - History Studies Lecturer & Curator (United Kingdom)
  • Irshath (United Arab Emirates)
  • Isaac Ahn (United States)
  • Isaac Christiansen, Ph.D. (United States)
  • Isaac Liang - AWP (United States)
  • Isaac Roth Blumfield - Composer (United States)
  • Isaac Schwarz (United States)
  • Ismail Hussein Sukoon - Revenue Assistant , GRA (Ghana)
  • Iveta Cherneva - Geopolitics analyst and author (Bulgaria)
  • Ivone Neiva Santos (Portugal)
  • Jaana Hietasola (Norway)
  • Jac Hansen - Potter, Democratic socialist (Denmark)
  • Jack (United Kingdom)
  • Jack & Ann Snowden (United Kingdom)
  • Jack Butcher - PhD Candidate, The University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • Jack Hughes (United States)
  • Jackie (United States)
  • Jack Noel (United Kingdom)
  • Jack Smith - Mr (United Kingdom)
  • Jackson Chan (Hong Kong)
  • Jack Wiant - Communist Party USA (United States)
  • Jacob Ketcher - Programming Officer, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (United Kingdom)
  • Jacob Steijn (United States)
  • Jacob Sterum (Denmark)
  • Jaime Barbosa (Portugal)
  • Jake Bourdeau - DIRECTOR, DAGAZ WATCH LIMITED (Hong Kong)
  • Jakob Ritt (Austria)
  • James Ayres (United Kingdom)
  • James Barratt (United Kingdom)
  • James Bastable (Canada)
  • James Davis (United States)
  • James De Burghe (China)
  • James Edwards - President (United States)
  • James Johnson (United Kingdom)
  • James Lim - teacher and a human being (Canada)
  • James long - YYYY (United States)
  • James McHale (United Kingdom)
  • James McHugh (Australia)
  • James Miller (United States)
  • James Odling (United States)
  • James Reilly (United States)
  • James Scott (Australia)
  • James Snell (United States)
  • James Tapper (United Kingdom)
  • James Tarzia (United States)
  • James Wahl (United States)
  • James Wood (United States)
  • Jamie Davies - Philosophy Editor, nawr magazine (United Kingdom)
  • Jamie Lang (United Kingdom)
  • JAMIN TAO (Canada)
  • Jane - None, None (United Kingdom)
  • Janet stubbs (United Kingdom)
  • Janet Teo (Australia)
  • Jane Wang (Canada)
  • Jan Hinderyd - Teacher (Sweden)
  • Jann Pedersen - Teacher (Denmark)
  • Janto Roessner - Producer, Ostinato Records (Germany)
  • jan wip (Netherlands)
  • Japhy Barrera (United Kingdom)
  • Jared Flanery - Student , Cornell Law School (United States)
  • Jarrod C. - Abolition Democracy Lab (United States)
  • Jaskaran Jaskaran Gill (Canada)
  • Jasn Shadx (United States)
  • Jason Choo - Lecturer, Monash University (Australia)
  • Jason Dye (United States)
  • Jason Neufville (United Kingdom)
  • Jason Oliver - Organizer, Direct Action Everywhere (United States)
  • Jasper Thys - Policy officer / activist, Viva Salud / intal Globalize Solidarity (Belgium)
  • Jatin Kumar (India)
  • Jaume Josa (Spain)
  • Jay (United States)
  • Jaya Chauhan (Canada)
  • Jaydee Lee (United States)
  • Jean Cushman (United States)
  • Jean-Do Veuve - Retired ICT (Belgium)
  • Jeanette Monica Nicholson (Canada)
  • Jean François (Canada)
  • Jean Pestieau - professor emeritus UCLouvain, Belgium, Intal, Belgium (Belgium)
  • Jeff Brownell (United States)
  • Jeff Dixon (United States)
  • Jeffery Hull (United States)
  • Jeff McCracken-Hewson (Australia)
  • Jeff Napolitano (United States)
  • Jeffrey Adams (United States)
  • Jeffrey Chiu (United States)
  • Jelica Roland (Croatia)
  • Jelke Talsma (Netherlands)
  • Jemima Pierre - Black Alliance for Peace (United States)
  • jennifer (Ireland)
  • Jennifer Chan (United Kingdom)
  • Jennifer Chen (Australia)
  • Jennifer Jones - DPAC Sheffield (United Kingdom)
  • Jennifer Kidman - CLP Disabilities Officer, ELUC branch Vice Chair, Labour Party, Stop the War, NEU, Unite Community (United Kingdom)
  • Jennifer Li (Canada)
  • Jenni Pasquale (Finland)
  • Jenny Lam - Artist, Chicago (United States)
  • Jenny Weng (United States)
  • Jeremiah Keogh (Ireland)
  • Jeremy Goldstein (United States)
  • Jeremy Kuzmarov - CovertAction Magazine (United States)
  • Jeremy Martinez (United States)
  • Jesse Winney - Activist, Workers Party of Britain (United Kingdom)
  • Jessica Dekkers (Netherlands)
  • jessica qiu (Belgium)
  • Jessie Zhang (Canada)
  • J Gandy (United Kingdom)
  • J Goh (Singapore)
  • Jialin Li - Lifelong peace-loving Chinese patriot studying abroad (China)
  • Jian F (China)
  • Jill Gough - CND Cymru (United Kingdom)
  • Jim - Secretary Shropshire CPB, Communist party of Britain (United Kingdom)
  • Jim Christiansen (Canada)
  • Jim Martin (United States)
  • Jim Min Wong (United Kingdom)
  • Jimmy Pillay (South Africa)
  • Jim Smith - Unison (United Kingdom)
  • Jingfeng Huang (China)
  • Jingjing Zhou - Translator (China)
  • Jinho Choi (Australia)
  • Jinying Zhan - President, Zhan Law Office, PLLC (United States)
  • Jinze Cui - PhD researcher , KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • Jiong Wei (Germany)
  • Jiun Cho - student (United States)
  • Joachim (Belgium)
  • Joachim Wahl - party (Germany)
  • Joan Clark (United States)
  • Joan McLaren (United Kingdom)
  • João Luiz Pena (Brazil)
  • João Manuel da Rocha Lima - PDT (Brazil)
  • João Victor da Silva (Brazil)
  • Joaquim Manuel Alves Soto (Brazil)
  • Joe - Concerned citizen (United States)
  • Joe Askey (China)
  • joe ching (United States)
  • JOE DECESARE (United States)
  • Joe Herosy (United States)
  • joe kenna (United States)
  • Joel Wendland-Liu (United States)
  • Joe Schuman (United States)
  • Joeskine Sabbe (Belgium)
  • Johannes Borger - Namens Werkgroep Inclusieve Veiligheid Nederland (Netherlands)
  • Johannes Heimler (Germany)
  • John - None (United States)
  • John (United States)
  • John Booth (United Kingdom)
  • John Bowen - Member of Executive, The Workers Party of Ireland (Ireland)
  • John Cassidy (Australia)
  • John Chiu (Canada)
  • John Earle (United Kingdom)
  • John Earls - Professor of Anthropology (Peru)
  • John Edwards (United Kingdom)
  • John Egan (Ireland)
  • John Elie (United States)
  • John Fitzgerald (United Kingdom)
  • John Goodby (United Kingdom)
  • John Graversgaard - Enhedslisten (Denmark)
  • John Hallanger (United States)
  • John Lai (Australia)
  • John Lessells - member, member of Stop the war , Peace pledge union , CND (United Kingdom)
  • John Liang (United States)
  • John M. - Rank and File, PSESO Union (United States)
  • John McCann (United Kingdom)
  • John McClure (United States)
  • John McEvoy - Journalist (United Kingdom)
  • John McGrath (United Kingdom)
  • John Monday (United States)
  • John Neelsen - Prof.Dr. (France)
  • John Pinkerton - Milton Keynes Peace and Justice Network (United Kingdom)
  • JOHN PURCELL (United Kingdom)
  • John Robertson (Canada)
  • John R. Yager - Student at Tsinghua University (United States)
  • John V. Walsh MD (United States)
  • John Wight - Writer, Political Commentator (United Kingdom)
  • Jonas Thoreson (Sweden)
  • Jonathan Barker (United States)
  • Jonathan Clive Cooper - London regional organiser, Resist: Movement For A People's Party (United Kingdom)
  • Jonathan Schwestka (Austria)
  • Jon Autiello (United States)
  • Jon Harrington (United States)
  • Jon Hua (China)
  • Joni Schoonjans (Belgium)
  • Joni Schukowski (Finland)
  • Jo Ong (Australia)
  • Jordan Randall Ting Yik Loong - Private (Malaysia)
  • Jorge Perea Latorre (Colombia)
  • Jorge Ribeiro (Portugal)
  • Jorge Rosas M - Profesor de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas en el Programa de Medicina Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional Experimental FRANCISCO DE MIRANDA. Area de Ciencias Veterinarias (Venezuela)
  • Jorming Goh (Singapore)
  • José Eduardo Ribeiro Moretzsohn - Translator - Technical and Literary (Brazil)
  • Jose Ernesto Serrano (Canada)
  • Josefina Quiles (United States)
  • Josefina Rosales (Argentina)
  • Josenice Fonseca almeida (Brazil)
  • Jose Noe Santiago - Member and Local officer , Communist Party USA (United States)
  • Joseph Dubonnet (Canada)
  • Joseph Dunford (United Kingdom)
  • Joseph Hollies (United Kingdom)
  • Josephine Emmanuel (Trinidad and Tobago)
  • Josephine San (Australia)
  • Josephine Wright - Retired (United Kingdom)
  • Joseph Jamison (United States)
  • Joseph Lee - DR (China)
  • joseph mcwatters (United Kingdom)
  • Joseph R. Fleming - Captain, American Airlines (Retired) (United States)
  • Joseph Waters (United States)
  • Joseph W Friendly - Truth For A Change, NYC daily cableTV (United States)
  • Joseph Wittmann (United States)
  • Josh Finn - Organizer, Utica Revolutionary Coalition (United States)
  • Josh Finn - Utica Revolutionary Coalition (United States)
  • Joshua Benavidez (United States)
  • Joshua Freestone (United Kingdom)
  • Joshua Jackson (United Kingdom)
  • Joshua Miller (United States)
  • Joshua Randall (United States)
  • Joslyn Lewis (United States)
  • Jourdain Nicolas (Belgium)
  • Joyce Liu (United States)
  • Juana Balanzó Luna - Student (Colombia)
  • Juan Carlos Vallejo - Filmmaker and producer, professor LAS (United States)
  • Juan Gomez - Coordinator, Movimiento Por Un Mundo Sin Guerras Y Sin Violencia (Chile)
  • Juan Rebes - Retired (Spain)
  • Judith Arnold - President, New Jersey Peace Action (United States)
  • Judith Green (United States)
  • Judith McIntyre - N/A, N/A (Hong Kong)
  • Judit Lichtenberg (Germany)
  • Juergen Suttner (Germany)
  • Juhee Prasad (India)
  • Julia Apsey (United States)
  • Julia Hoppe - Schweizerische Friedensbewegung (SFB) (Switzerland)
  • Julie Callahan (United States)
  • Julie Hart - Peace/Environmental Activist (Australia)
  • julienne ford - (United Kingdom)
  • Julien Zhu (Canada)
  • Julie V. - Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Advisor & BAP Supporter Network Co-Coordinator (United States)
  • Jumbo Chan - Councillor (United Kingdom)
  • jun levin (United States)
  • Junpeng He - Post-doc, Peking University Shenzhen Grad School (United States)
  • Jürgen Bürger - Literary translator and publisher (Germany)
  • Justice Warren (United States)
  • Justina Poskeviciute (Lithuania)
  • Justin Laidlaw (United States)
  • Justin Theodra (United States)
  • Kai (Malaysia)
  • Kambale Musavuli - Center for Research on the Congo (Congo, The Democratic Republic of the)
  • Kandeel - Student (Canada)
  • Kandis Sebro (Trinidad and Tobago)
  • Kang Hway Chuan (Singapore)
  • Kan Lin - Professor, IFBA (Brazil)
  • Kan Robert (Australia)
  • Karen (China)
  • Karen McGovern (United States)
  • Karim Lalani (Canada)
  • Karin E. Kulow - Prof. Dr. (Germany)
  • Kari olsen - none, none (United States)
  • Kari Vadakkan (United States)
  • Kasey Osman (United Kingdom)
  • Kate Mckenzie (United Kingdom)
  • Katherine Chuabio (Philippines)
  • Kathleen Coonley (United States)
  • Kathleen Temple - peace lobbyist, Experiential Peace ( (United States)
  • Kath Oversby - none, none (United Kingdom)
  • kathrin winkler - Grandmother, Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace (Canada)
  • Katie Zam (Australia)
  • Katjana Edwardsen (Norway)
  • Katrin Hahn (Germany)
  • Ka Yun Emily Man (United Kingdom)
  • K.C..Teh (Australia)
  • Keith Brown - unemployed (United Kingdom)
  • Kelcy Ramirez - Student (United States)
  • Kelly Kwon (Canada)
  • Kelly Sze (Hong Kong)
  • Kelly Warden (United States)
  • Kelvin Teoh - CEO, NEW PLASTICS INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD. (Malaysia)
  • Ken Arok (Indonesia)
  • Ken Goldman (United States)
  • Ken Keable (United Kingdom)
  • Ken Kuan-Jen Wu (United States)
  • ken k wren (United Kingdom)
  • Ken Lau (United Kingdom)
  • Kenny Chin - President, Chin Family Foundation, Kenny & Maria C. (United States)
  • Kenny Chok (Malaysia)
  • Kenny Lam (United States)
  • Ken Shue (Australia)
  • kerry davies (Australia)
  • Kevan Nelson (United Kingdom)
  • Kevin - New applicant, CPUSA (United States)
  • Kevin Grossart (Germany)
  • Kevin Lee (Malaysia)
  • Kevin Neish (Canada)
  • Kevin Ooi (Malaysia)
  • Kevin Snagg (United Kingdom)
  • Khang Le (Vietnam)
  • Khang Suon Teh - Student, Nil (Malaysia)
  • Kia Kiarash (Malaysia)
  • Kieran Thow (United Kingdom)
  • kim (Thailand)
  • Kimdonghyeon - 무직, 개인 (Korea, Republic of)
  • Kim Smith - Private citizen, None (Australia)
  • Kin Chong (Canada)
  • Kin F. Kam - Author of "Blood, Dragon and Lions" (United Kingdom)
  • Kiran Philip - none (South Africa)
  • Kirill Levartovskiy (United States)
  • Klaus Ludwig - KulturenLeben GmbH (Germany)
  • Kok Mun Sum (Malaysia)
  • Kolbeinn Dalrymple (Iceland)
  • Krishen Mehta - Founder/ Director , Asia Initiatives (United States)
  • Krishna Roka Magar (Nepal)
  • Kristin Dooley - Director, Women Against Military Madness (United States)
  • Kristy Chong Ching Yee (Malaysia)
  • Krystle Yu (United States)
  • Kun Du (China)
  • Kurt Seifert - Journalist (Switzerland)
  • Kyle Henderson (United States)
  • Kyler Lin - Student (United States)
  • Kyle Robbins (United States)
  • Kyriaki Xenou (Greece)
  • Lacie Henry (United States)
  • LamSam Teh - Managing Director, AcuTest Systems (M) Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
  • Lance Miller - Uinted States Citizen (United States)
  • Lanlan Hoo (United States)
  • Lao Feng (United States)
  • Lara Rosenkranz - Falken Erfurt (Germany)
  • Larry Lee (Canada)
  • LARRY R HARRISON - Larry & Alma Harrison (United States)
  • Larry Wartels - Urban Planner (Canada)
  • Lars Jansson - Retired (Sweden)
  • Laura De Vos (Belgium)
  • Laurel Hobden - Love Dandelions (United States)
  • laurence chu (United States)
  • Lauren Ho (Singapore)
  • Laurie Robins (United Kingdom)
  • Laurie Wright (United Kingdom)
  • Lawrence Teng (Canada)
  • Lawrence Wong (United Kingdom)
  • Leah Bolger - President, World BEYOND War (United States)
  • Leander Johnson (United States)
  • Leech (Singapore)
  • Lee Guan Huat Ricky (Singapore)
  • Leena Azzouni (Palestine, State of)
  • Lefika Chetty - International Relations Sub Committee-SACP , South African Communist Party (South Africa)
  • Lejla Bajgoric (United States)
  • léo kerriou - PRCF (France)
  • Leonardo - Associate Professor, University of Florence (Italy)
  • Leonie Rushforth (United Kingdom)
  • Leopoldo Sanczyk (Argentina)
  • Leo Steeves (Canada)
  • LEO YUAN - partner, golden gate realty (United States)
  • Lex Thomas (United States)
  • Liam Ellis - Communist Party of Australia (Australia)
  • Liang xu (China)
  • Li Da Xu - JD (Australia)
  • Liesbeth Nieuwenweg - Not applicable (Netherlands)
  • Lieve Franssen (Belgium)
  • Liew Chin khay - Nil, Nil (Malaysia)
  • Li Lop Man (Hong Kong)
  • Lim Kok Seng (Malaysia)
  • Lim Poh Cheng, Anthony - Retiring in peace (Singapore)
  • Lim Yeow Aun (Malaysia)
  • Linda Jansen (United States)
  • Linda Kwok (United States)
  • Linda Sánchez Ruiz - Director, Revista Teikō (Spain)
  • Lindie Naughton - Writer (Ireland)
  • Linette A Hawkins (Australia)
  • Linh Hoang (United Kingdom)
  • Lin Sacha (France)
  • Lisbet Christiansen (Denmark)
  • Lital Khaikin - Writer (Canada)
  • Liu Greco (Australia)
  • Livio Tomassetti (Austria)
  • Liwen Xiao - Mr. (Canada)
  • LL (United Kingdom)
  • Llanisca Lugo Gonzalez - Coordinadora Solidaridad internacional, Centro Martin Luther King (Cuba)
  • Lois Wilcken (United States)
  • Loong Chang Wang - Application Engineer (Malaysia)
  • Lorenz Hegel (Germany)
  • Lorenzo Bolla de Oliveira (Brazil)
  • LORETTA YUEN (Canada)
  • Lorraine - student (Hong Kong)
  • Lorraine Farkas - Past President, Canada-China Friendship Society of Ottawa (Canada) (Canada)
  • Lotte Rørtoft-Madsen - Chairperson, Danish Communist Party (KP) (Denmark)
  • Louis Chu (Hong Kong)
  • Louis Leon - Cashier (United States)
  • LOURENÇO JOSÉ ROMEIRO FILHO - Segurança Pública, Lourenço José Romeiro Filho (Brazil)
  • Low Ping Lin (Malaysia)
  • Lucas de Souza Sartori (Brazil)
  • Lucas Gutierrez Rodriguez - Professor (Spain)
  • Lucas Koerner - Editor, (United States)
  • Luciana Taniguti Bertarelli - Artist and educator (Brazil)
  • Luci Murphy - Chorus director, ONE DC Black Workers Center (United States)
  • Lucy Ryan - Teacher (Ireland)
  • Lucy Scurfield - n/a (United Kingdom)
  • Ludo De Brabander - spokes person, Vrede vzw (Belgium)
  • Luis Antonio Bergozza (Brazil)
  • luis carlos (Brazil)
  • Luis Lu (China)
  • Luma Campos - Student at Universidade Federal do Pará (Brazil)
  • Lupe Pacheco-gomez (United States)
  • Lupu Ioan Nicolae (Romania)
  • Lyn Prendergast (United Kingdom)
  • Lyon Kim (New Zealand)
  • Lyon Leifer - Musician (United States)
  • Maarten Smeets - intal globalize solidarity (Belgium)
  • Madeline Wright (United States)
  • Madison Tang (United States)
  • Maerwydd McFarland - publisher, Barefoot Bard Books (United States)
  • Maggie Simpson (United Kingdom)
  • Magnus Gunderson (United States)
  • Magnus S. Kjærgaard (Denmark)
  • Mahima Mahadevan (United States)
  • Makiko Kanda (Japan)
  • Malik Shabazz - male co-chair of the Florida Chapter , N'COBRA (National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America) (United States)
  • Manuel Kiener (Switzerland)
  • Manuel Pardo - President, Veteranos Por la Paz España (Spain)
  • Manuel R. Valenzuela (Philippines)
  • Manu Pineda - Member of the European Parliament and Head of International Departament of PCE, Partido Comunista de España (Spain)
  • maokewu (China)
  • Marc B. Sanganee - Kommunistisk Parti (Denmark)
  • Marcela Olea (Australia)
  • Marcel Julio Leal Martinho (Brazil)
  • Marcelo Winter Nicola (Brazil)
  • Marc James Léger - Independent Scholar (Canada)
  • Marco Craveiro (Portugal)
  • Marco Negrete (United States)
  • Marco Ramon - freelance translator (Mexico)
  • Marco Roc (United States)
  • Marcos Henrique Moreira - UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) (Brazil)
  • Marco Toma (Italy)
  • Marc Püschel - Journalist and Editor, Junge Welt (Germany)
  • Marcus Albrecht (United States)
  • Marcus Truong - Banking (Canada)
  • Marc van Campen (Belgium)
  • Marc Vanhees (Netherlands)
  • Marene Marchi - Dra. Em Agronomia (Brazil)
  • Margaret Kimberley - Black Agenda Report (United States)
  • Margaret Leow (Malaysia)
  • Maria Adélia de Souza - Full Professor Human Geography, Saint Paul University USP (Brazil)
  • Maria Damiai (Argentina)
  • Maria M Cummings (United States)
  • Marian Brooks (United Kingdom)
  • Maria Nelson (United Kingdom)
  • Marian Wingrove - Sutton & Cheam Labour Party (United Kingdom)
  • MARIA VALÉRIA REZENDE - Writer (Brazil)
  • Marija (Germany)
  • Mario Balgavi (Serbia)
  • Marion Birch (United Kingdom)
  • Marion Macalpine - Hackney Keep Our NHS Public (United Kingdom)
  • Mark Charles Rosenzweig - co-chair, International Responsibilities Task Force/Social Responsibilities Round Table/American Library Association (United States)
  • Mark Holland (United Kingdom)
  • Mark Hyne (United Kingdom)
  • Mark J. Lovas - Teacher, University of Pardubice//FFUK Charles University (Czechia)
  • Mark Kukis - Non-Resident Fellow, Quincy Institute (United States)
  • Mark Lawrence McIntire (United States)
  • Mark Leung (Canada)
  • Marko Blažević - Lecturer, Hebei International Studies University (Serbia)
  • Marko Savić - Director of the Institute , Mobilitatis Omni (Slovenia)
  • mark Prenter (Australia)
  • Mark Reisinger (United States)
  • Mark Sawyer (United States)
  • mark sayers - personal, none (United Kingdom)
  • Mark Worthington (United Kingdom)
  • Mark Zeus (United States)
  • Marlon Topper (Germany)
  • Marlyn Tyzzer (Canada)
  • Marta collot - Portavoce nazionale, Potere al popolo (Italy)
  • Marta Malaguti (Italy)
  • Martin D Webb Jr (United States)
  • Martin Goh (United Kingdom)
  • Martin Holsinger (United States)
  • Martin Kellerman (United States)
  • Martin Teo (Singapore)
  • Martyn Wood-Bevan (United Kingdom)
  • Mary Adossides - Secretary, London Communist Party (United Kingdom)
  • Mary Beaudoin - editor, Women Against Military Madness (United States)
  • Mary Edmonds (Singapore)
  • Mary flowerday (United States)
  • Mary Girard (Canada)
  • Mary Marianne (Netherlands)
  • Mary M Dwyer - Unite NEU (United Kingdom)
  • masahiro yoshida - Live in Peace 9+25 (Japan)
  • Massimiliano Ay - General Secretary | MP, Communist Party (Switzerland) (Switzerland)
  • Masson Tanguy (Belgium)
  • Matt Arundel (United States)
  • Matt Billson (United Kingdom)
  • Matthew (United States)
  • Matthew Almonte - Solidarity Network, Black Alliance for Peace (United States)
  • Matthew Gallagher (United States)
  • Matthew Shelbourn (Canada)
  • Matthew Steven Cable (United States)
  • matthew vargas (United States)
  • Matthias Küpper (Germany)
  • Matt MacDonald (United Kingdom)
  • Matt Palmer - PhD in Physics. Lecturer (Australia)
  • Matt Widdowson (United Kingdom)
  • Matyas Benyik - Chairman, ATTAC Hungary Association (Hungary)
  • Maureen Cooper (United Kingdom)
  • Maureen Todhunter - Just Peace Qld (Australia)
  • Maurice Carney - Executive Director, Friends of the Congo (United States)
  • Maurice Cramers (Belgium)
  • maurizio acerbo - segretario nazionale , Partito della Rifondazione Comunista - Sinistra Europea (Italy)
  • Max (China)
  • Max (Malaysia)
  • Max Petkiewicz - DSA (United States)
  • Max Power (Germany)
  • Maya Evans - Coordinator & Campaigner , Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK (United Kingdom)
  • Mayank (Australia)
  • Mayara Nardo (Brazil)
  • Mayzee Klaus (Brazil)
  • Mcfaddean Aoraunisaka - Director Pacific Games 2023 Cabinet SubCommittee, Solomon Islands Government- Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet (Solomon Islands)
  • Megan (United Kingdom)
  • MEGHANA M S (India)
  • meis ying (Malaysia)
  • mel (Singapore)
  • Mercelis Matti (Belgium)
  • Mia (United States)
  • MIAO Jianbing - Chief Editor (China)
  • Micah Andersen (United States)
  • Michael (Australia)
  • Michael Boateng (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Brenke (Germany)
  • Michael Cohen - Member, Communist Party of Australia (Australia)
  • Michael Coulson (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Ellman - member, Camden Momentum (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Feikema - Coordinator, Imperialism and Climate Institute (United States)
  • Michael Gavin (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Hogan - retired, Worker Cooperative Ownership (United States)
  • Michael Holloway (Canada)
  • Michael Kedzior (Germany)
  • Michael Kunda - Student (Tanzania)
  • Michael Loh (Australia)
  • Michael Marin (United States)
  • Michael McKinley - Chair, Our Revolution Central Iowa-Scott Galindez Chapter (United States)
  • Michael Miller (United States)
  • Michael Muir - SEC Youth Rep, Scottish Labour Party (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Ng - Professor, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Plover - Living an ordinary life, in peace, safety and equality, Just an Ordinary Joe (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Pounds - Lecturer, Warwick University (United Kingdom)
  • michael salzmann - Mr. (United States)
  • Michael Shane - organizer, Moratorium Now Coalition (United States)
  • Michael Tan - Retiree (Singapore)
  • Michael Tran (Australia)
  • Michael Wong - Vice President, Veterans For Peace, chapter 69, San Francisco (United States)
  • Michael Wongsam (United Kingdom)
  • Michael Wood - world citizen (Netherlands)
  • Michel Czehatowski (United States)
  • michele spadaro (United States)
  • Michelle Alves Lima Moretto Rodrigues (Brazil)
  • Mick Dunford - University of Sussex (China)
  • Miguel Almeida (Portugal)
  • Miguel Breyton Silva (Brazil)
  • Miguel Figueroa - President, Canadian Peace Congress (Canada)
  • Mihaela Doaga (Romania)
  • Mikaela (South Africa)
  • Mikal Klobra (United States)
  • Mike Lim - Volunteer, Neighborhood Safety Companions (United States)
  • Mike Martin - Committee member, Aberdeen and District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) (United Kingdom)
  • Mike Tay (Singapore)
  • Milena Fiore (Italy)
  • Milena Januszewska (Poland)
  • Milton Rondo Filho (Brazil)
  • Mina Zhao (United States)
  • Mirah Wood - Co-Chair Middle East & Africa Subcommittee , DSA International Committee (United States)
  • Mirinda - Co-chair of the Prisoners Solidarity Committee , Workers World Party (United States)
  • Mirza - (Canada)
  • Misha Cox (United Kingdom)
  • Mitchell Shore (Canada)
  • mobo gao - University of Adelaide (Australia)
  • Mohamad Asraf Ramli - Social Worker (Singapore)
  • Mohamed El Idrissi (Germany)
  • Mohd Ishak (Singapore)
  • Mok-Shiang HONG - Director @ National Healthcare Group, Singapore (Singapore)
  • Monika Lenox (United Kingdom)
  • Monique Hoffmann (Belgium)
  • Morgan Sheridan (Canada)
  • Mo Siu (United States)
  • Ms Simone Hope (United Kingdom)
  • Ms Siobhan Heenan (Australia)
  • M Tang - Dr (United Kingdom)
  • Müller, Jobst H. - Member Kreisverband Lünebutg, Die Linke (Germany)
  • Müller Oliveira - Social scientist (Germany)
  • Muneo Narusawa - journalist (Japan)
  • Murad Qureshi (United Kingdom)
  • Murdo Ritchie - Independent Researcher (United Kingdom)
  • Murilo Clemente (Brazil)
  • M windrum1 - - (United Kingdom)
  • Myra Sands (United Kingdom)
  • Nabill Idrisi (United States)
  • Nada Pretnar (Italy)
  • Nadeer Farah (Australia)
  • Nadia Palozza Natolli - Presidente, Ass.ReteRosa (Italy)
  • Nadja Arruda (Brazil)
  • Nadya Williams - Director of Communications, San Francisco chapter 69 of VFP, Veterans For Peace (United States)
  • Naila Kauser - Activist (United Kingdom)
  • Naing Oo (United States)
  • Nairuti Shastry (United States)
  • Namal Thalha - member, Students federation of India (India)
  • Nancy Bonvillain (United States)
  • Nancy Martin (United States)
  • Nancy Price - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom US (United States)
  • Nancy Wang (United States)
  • Nancy Withington - professor (ret) (United States)
  • Nan Yang (United States)
  • Naoufel Jaouada (Tunisia)
  • narendranath das (India)
  • Natalie Scettini (United States)
  • Natalya Dinat (South Africa)
  • Nathalie Perl (Germany)
  • Nathan Al-tai (United Kingdom)
  • Nathan Gooch (United Kingdom)
  • Nathaniel Ament-Stone (United States)
  • NATHANIEL G WALLACE - Founder & Co-Host, Redspin Sports (Podcast & Video Show) (United States)
  • Nathaniel Wallace - Founder and Co-Host, Redspin Sports (United States)
  • Nathan J Bolton (United Kingdom)
  • Nathan Morrison (United Kingdom)
  • Naveen (Finland)
  • Naxin Wang (United Kingdom)
  • Neeraj (India)
  • Nella Prati (Italy)
  • Neo Mossbäck (Sweden)
  • Newman Clarke (United States)
  • Ngan Hing, Edith Kwan (Hong Kong)
  • Ng Kong Hung (Singapore)
  • Nicholas Bates (Germany)
  • nicholas christie (United States)
  • Nicholas Dale (United Kingdom)
  • Nicholas Lynn (United Kingdom)
  • Nicholas McKenna - Party for Socialism and Liberation (United States)
  • Nicholas Robert - PhD Research Student, Tsinghua University (Citizen of the United States of America) (United States)
  • Nick Deane - Convenor, Marrickville Peace Group (Australia)
  • Nick Timma Israelsen (Denmark)
  • Nicolas Gonzalez (United States)
  • Nicolas J S Davies - Writer (United States)
  • Nicolas Sauveur - Monsieur (Belgium)
  • Nicolas Torres (United States)
  • Niels Andersen (Denmark)
  • Niels Duus Nielsen (Denmark)
  • Niemeyer Almeida Filho - Professor, Federal University of Uberlandia (Brazil)
  • Nigel Ashmore (Hong Kong)
  • Nigel Green - Retired PCS activist (United Kingdom)
  • Nikhil Patil (India)
  • Niki Müller (Germany)
  • Niklas Malte Nielsen (Denmark)
  • Nilantha Ilangamuwa - Founding Editor, Sri Lanka Guardian (Sri Lanka)
  • Nina Allen (United States)
  • Nina Lisbeth Hilton (United Kingdom)
  • Nina Teng (United States)
  • NIVET roland - co-national secretary and Spokeman, Le Mouvement de la Paix (France)
  • Noah Berman - Security Engineer (United States)
  • Noah Worley (United Kingdom)
  • noa treister (Serbia)
  • Noel Ho (New Zealand)
  • Nora Fernandez - NSCUBA (Canada)
  • Nora García Nieves - Member International Secretariat, Communist Party of Spain (Spain)
  • Norman Kao (United States)
  • Norman Lui (Canada)
  • NORMAN TAN (Singapore)
  • Nox Newton (United States)
  • Nuno ieong (United Kingdom)
  • Odile Hélier (France)
  • Oi Lian Kon (Singapore)
  • oka - Comac (Belgium)
  • Olaf Foss - Sociologist (Norway)
  • Oliver Fei (Canada)
  • oliver leong (Singapore)
  • Olivier Vuigner (Switzerland)
  • Ollie Vargas - Kawsachun News (Bolivia)
  • OMAIR Farooq (India)
  • Omar Sockni - Manager , Greene King (United Kingdom)
  • Orlimar Beckman Coelho (Brazil)
  • Ormsby Ford - Visual artist (Canada)
  • oscar dunscombe (Australia)
  • Oscar Rodriguez - None (United States)
  • Oscar Ugarteche - Coordinator, Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas UNAM, Observatorio Económico Latinoamericano (Mexico)
  • Otto Heim (Hong Kong)
  • Otto Leholt (Denmark)
  • Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - university worker (Romania)
  • Owen Holland - vice chair (pc), Camden Momentum (United Kingdom)
  • Owen Hughes - Member, Table de concertation et de solidarité Cuba-Québec (Canada)
  • Pablo LIVIGNI (France)
  • PAK WONG (United Kingdom)
  • Pamviles - artist (China)
  • Panagiotis Papadomanolakis - Journalist (Greece)
  • Parthu Venkatesh P - Student , Jinan University, Guangzhou (India)
  • Pascale Gillet (United Kingdom)
  • Pascale Gillet - DIEM25 member (United Kingdom)
  • Patricia Antonyshyn (Canada)
  • Patricia Lewis-Wong - Dr, Private Individual (United Kingdom)
  • Patricio Domínguez - Student (Mexico)
  • Patrick B. (United States)
  • Patrick Robert Massey (United States)
  • Patrick Triglavcanin - Writer/Student (United Kingdom)
  • Patxi Suárez - Presidente, Qiao Zubia Kultur Elkartea. Basque Country. (Spain)
  • Paula Fu (Canada)
  • Paula Polanco - President , Intal (Belgium)
  • PAULA REGINA PEREIRA MARCELINO - Professora da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (Brazil)
  • Paul Atkin - NEU (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Chislett (Canada)
  • Paul Cochrane - Journalist (South Africa)
  • Paul Crooks (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Dennett (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Gough (Denmark)
  • Paul Graham (Canada)
  • Paulina Ramos (United States)
  • Paul Karitis (United States)
  • Paul Larudee - Treasurer, Syria Solidarity Movement (United States)
  • Paul Martin - Political Activist, CPUSA (United States)
  • Paul Rippon (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Rutland (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Scheers (Belgium)
  • Paul Scrivens - Workers Party of Great Britain (United Kingdom)
  • Paul Thiele - DIE LINKE (Germany)
  • Paul Williamson (United Kingdom)
  • Pawel Wargan - Coordinator of the Secretariat, Progressive International (Poland)
  • Pedro Gomez (Spain)
  • pedro montes fernandez - Coordinadora estatal, Socialismo 21 (Spain)
  • Penny Leach (United Kingdom)
  • Per-Anders Nordström - R.N (Sweden)
  • Percy (Canada)
  • Pete Barton-Bates - x, x (Germany)
  • Pete Foley (United Kingdom)
  • Peter Clayton (United Kingdom)
  • Peter Goodgame (United States)
  • Peter Goselin - co-chair, Green Party of Connecticut (United States)
  • Peter Holbrook - Professor of Literature , Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Australian Catholic University (Australia)
  • Peter Hwang (Singapore)
  • Peter Karl Fleissner - Activist, transform!at (Austria)
  • Peter Kelly (Australia)
  • Peter Olech (United Kingdom)
  • Peter Peverelli - webmaster, international liaisons, Cross Cultural Human Rights Centre (Netherlands)
  • Peter Rainsbury (United Kingdom)
  • Peter Sundborg - Writer (Sweden)
  • Peter Taylor (New Zealand)
  • PETER WICKENDEN (United Kingdom)
  • PG Kam - Responsible Netcitizen (Australia)
  • Phil Brand - South West London Mental Health Branch UNISON. (United Kingdom)
  • Phil Brand - Branch Vice Chair, CPB (United Kingdom)
  • Phil Cosgrove (United Kingdom)
  • Philip Chang (Singapore)
  • Philip Cosgrove (United Kingdom)
  • Philip Hewett (Australia)
  • Philippe Gendrault - Psychoanalyst, PRCF, BAP (United States)
  • Philip Thomas (Australia)
  • Philip Ting (Malaysia)
  • Philip Watrin (Belgium)
  • Phil Martin (United Kingdom)
  • Phil Nichols - Concerned, committed citizen of America and the World, Myself (United States)
  • Phin Phin Sennelius (Indonesia)
  • Phiny (Netherlands)
  • piers maddox (United Kingdom)
  • Pierson - Militant, PRCF (France)
  • Poh Chit LAU (Australia)
  • Prabachandran Dhanadevan - Social activist (India)
  • Prathibha Sivasubramanian - Law Researcher (India)
  • Primus Holm Linder - Student, Lund University: Department of History (Sweden)
  • (Prof.) Bobby Tuazon - Political Analyst; University professor; Director for Policy Studies and International Affairs Program, CenPEG, (In my personal capacity) (Philippines)
  • Qing Gu (Canada)
  • Qixia Luo (Canada)
  • Queenie Song - AIM manager , CGP (Canada)
  • Qun Liu (Hong Kong)
  • Rachele (Italy)
  • Rachel Martinez (United States)
  • Rachid (Spain)
  • Radhika Desai - Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group (Canada)
  • Rafael Elfe (Brazil)
  • Rafael Gois (United Kingdom)
  • Rafael Jelic (United Kingdom)
  • Rafael Mateos González (Spain)
  • Rageh Ali - ACORN London (United Kingdom)
  • Raghib Quader (Canada)
  • Rahul M - Captain (India)
  • Rahul Pandey - Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)
  • Rain Brathwaite (Canada)
  • Rainer Hauser - Budista Zen, ONG al SUR (Chile)
  • Ralen Gao (United States)
  • Ralph Galen - Organizer, Immigrant City Street Ministry (United States)
  • Raman Lama (Nepal)
  • Ramiro Troitino (Panama)
  • Ramy Reda (United States)
  • Rasigan Maharajh (South Africa)
  • Rasmus S. Haukedal (Norway)
  • Raul Zambrano (United States)
  • Raven Knight (Australia)
  • Rawan Elsayed (Australia)
  • Ray (United States)
  • RAY ARAUJO DUARTE DO RÊGO - PhD estudent, Universidade Federal da Bahia (Brazil)
  • Ray Gaston - Team Vicar, Church of St Chad and St Mark, Parish of Central Wolverhampton (United Kingdom)
  • Raymond Chan (Australia)
  • Raymond kwong (Canada)
  • Ray Silk (United Kingdom)
  • Razvan Nedelcu (Romania)
  • r chobin (India)
  • Reagan White (United States)
  • Rebecca - Medical Laboratory Scientist, Waitemata DHB (New Zealand)
  • Rebecca Turner (United Kingdom)
  • Rebekah Ball - Ms (United Kingdom)
  • Red Braid Alliance - Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism (Canada)
  • Red Braid Alliance - Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism (Canada)
  • Red Fightback Central Committee - Central Committee, Red Fightback (United Kingdom)
  • Redho Kusumo (Indonesia)
  • Reinli tan - Synthetic Turf Malaysia (Malaysia)
  • Renate Bridenthal - Professor of History (United States)
  • René Fasnacht - "Ramón El Suizo" (El Salvador)
  • Rene Scheffer - Project Manager (Netherlands)
  • Retno Widowati (Indonesia)
  • Reuben Kadushin - Student (United States)
  • Rhett Norris (United States)
  • Rhianna Wassell (United States)
  • Rhonda Rungsitiyakorn (United States)
  • Ricardo Vélez (Venezuela)
  • richard d carter (United States)
  • Richard Doonan (United States)
  • Richard Eng (Canada)
  • Richard K Barnes (Australia)
  • Richard Leung - Consultant (Hong Kong)
  • Richard Tan (United Kingdom)
  • richard von ABENDORFF (United Kingdom)
  • Richard X. Taylor (United States)
  • Rich Hall (United Kingdom)
  • Rick Pursell - Rick Pursell (Indonesia)
  • Rick Sterling (United States)
  • Rick Varner (United States)
  • Ricky Chen (Australia)
  • rickyliow (Malaysia)
  • Ricky Medina (Brazil)
  • Ricky Page (United States)
  • Riley Walund (United States)
  • Riva Enteen (United States)
  • Roban Zenacus (United States)
  • rob beck (Portugal)
  • ROBERT ANGLES - Democratic Socialists of America (I do not represent my organization) (United States)
  • Robert Chew - General Manager, FacadeLogic Pte Ltd (Singapore)
  • Robert Eugene Mayes IV (United States)
  • Robert Hooiveld (Germany)
  • Robert Kajiwara - Founder & President, Peace For Okinawa Coalition (Japan)
  • Robert khan (United Kingdom)
  • Robert Louis (Canada)
  • Robert McCabe (Canada)
  • robert Monks (Australia)
  • Roberto Navarrete (United Kingdom)
  • Robert Richard - Shaman , Veterans For Peace Chapt #35 Spokane (United States)
  • Robert Ryan (Canada)
  • Robert Saiget - journalist (United States)
  • Robert (Taffy) Seaborne (Australia)
  • Robert V Starks (United States)
  • Robert Weger (United States)
  • Robert Wyatt (United Kingdom)
  • Robia Chiu - nil (Canada)
  • Robin Fitzgerald (Hong Kong)
  • Robin Smith (United States)
  • Robin Tonniau (Belgium)
  • Rob Vann - retired (Canada)
  • Rochelle Eisenberger (United States)
  • rochelle glickman (United States)
  • Rodney Nicholls (United Kingdom)
  • Rodulfo Pérez - Embajador ante la UNESCO , Cancillería de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (Venezuela)
  • Roger Harris - Task Force on the Americas (United States)
  • Roger McKenzie - International Editor of the Morning Star (United Kingdom)
  • Rohan Rice (United Kingdom)
  • Roland Baartscheer (Belgium)
  • Roland Wanitschka - Personalratsvositzender (Germany)
  • Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont - CNAS (Denmark)
  • Romain Mancel (France)
  • Roman Gregory (United States)
  • Romina Beitseen - Secretary, Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD) (Australia)
  • Romina Beitseen - Secretary, CICD (Australia)
  • Ronald Mendel (United Kingdom)
  • Ron Cohen (United Kingdom)
  • Ron Tan (Australia)
  • Rosane Maria Kreuch (Brazil)
  • Rosemarie Robertson (Australia)
  • Rosemary Galli - As above, Retired university professor (United Kingdom)
  • Ross C Richardson Jr (United States)
  • Rossenaar (Netherlands)
  • Roxana Haq (United Kingdom)
  • Ruben Brett - ACORN/Young Communist League (United Kingdom)
  • Rubens Turkienicz - Translator, researcher, facilitator for international partnerships, (Brazil)
  • Ruby Mcnally (United States)
  • RUI MA (China)
  • Ruixue Li (China)
  • Ruqyah Sweidan (United States)
  • Russel Harland (Ireland)
  • Rusty (Saudi Arabia)
  • Ruth Jane Pitman - Communist Party of Britain (United Kingdom)
  • Ruth Verkerk (Canada)
  • RWL Chang (United Kingdom)
  • Ryan Dale - Student (United States)
  • Ryan Ericksen (United States)
  • Ryan Hillier (Canada)
  • Ryan Kersey (United States)
  • Ryan Lundgren (United States)
  • Ryan Reynolds (United States)
  • Ryan Russell (Canada)
  • Ryan Streb (United States)
  • Sabrina Skau (United States)
  • Sadie Hayes (United States)
  • Sajeev Kumar - Member, Communist Party of Ireland (Ireland)
  • Sal Amico (United States)
  • salvatore cassisi (United States)
  • Salwan Alkaraguli (Canada)
  • Sam Cheng (United Kingdom)
  • Sameena Riaz (United Kingdom)
  • Sameer Gupta - Justice Internationale (Canada) (Canada)
  • Sami Ghidini (Netherlands)
  • Sam Jacobs (United Kingdom)
  • Sam Nettnin (United States)
  • Sampson Gao (Canada)
  • Samuel - Student (India)
  • Samuel Braun - Professor, UERJ (Brazil)
  • Samuel Iembo - Member of the Political Bureau, Communist Party (Switzerland) (Switzerland)
  • Samuel Prentice - Young Communist League (Great Britain) (United Kingdom)
  • Sam Wambold (United States)
  • sand fessler (United States)
  • Sandra Maria da Silva (Brazil)
  • Sandra Sojen (India)
  • Sarah Scheepers (Belgium)
  • Sara Larijani - PhD Candidate, Trier University (Germany)
  • Sara Marta Attié (Brazil)
  • Sarangani Diver - Retired, Retired (Philippines)
  • Satyendra Ranjan - Journalist (India)
  • Savannah May (United States)
  • Sayooj Sojen (India)
  • S Chan - Ms. (United States)
  • Scott Douglass (United States)
  • Scott Newton - Emeritus Professor of History , Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
  • S.C. Yeung (Netherlands)
  • Sean - Anti-Imperialist (United States)
  • Sean (United States)
  • Sean Campeau (Canada)
  • Sebil John Joseet - Retired (United Kingdom)
  • Sekyi Intsiful (United States)
  • Selina Chow - Housewife (Australia)
  • Senatore (Italy)
  • Seow Lian Sng (Singapore)
  • Sequoyah De Souza - Stop the War (United Kingdom)
  • Serge Santese - MBA (Switzerland)
  • Sergi Perelló - General Secretary, Intersindical-CSC. Catalonia (Spain)
  • Seth Rivera (United States)
  • Seth Smith - citizen (United States)
  • SHAFIQ (Bangladesh)
  • Shane Halliwell (United Kingdom)
  • Shane Murray (Norway)
  • Shan O-Yuan - General Manager, Infinity Design & Engineering (China)
  • Shari Gilbertsen (Germany)
  • Sharon Tran - Owner , Eyes on Unionville (Canada)
  • Shaunak P (India)
  • Shaun Brown (United Kingdom)
  • Shelby Niemi (Canada)
  • Shelly T. (United States)
  • Sherry Schafer (United States)
  • Shiva - Engineer (United States)
  • Shriyuta Abhishek (India)
  • Shruthi Venkataraman - Medical Student , McGill University (Canada)
  • Shruti Shukla - Student, Student (India)
  • Shubham Solanki (India)
  • SHUBHAM SWAROOP - Chennai Centre for China Studies think tank researcher, University of London (India)
  • Shunil Hossain (Germany)
  • Shwetank - Researcher , Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)
  • Sia Hee Sing (Malaysia)
  • Sibylle Schulz (Germany)
  • Siddhartha Banerjee - Writer (United States)
  • Sierra Brown (United States)
  • Silke Hagemeyer (Germany)
  • Silvina Romano v - ASSOCIATE RESEARCHER, CONICET (Argentina)
  • Simantini Mitra-Behura (United States)
  • Simon Boxley - Branch secretary (personal capacity), UCU (United Kingdom)
  • Simon Bruckschlögl (Germany)
  • Simone Xiques (United States)
  • Simon Gramstrup - Concerned citizen (Denmark)
  • Simon Heim (Hong Kong)
  • Simon Hinds - BAME Officer, Islington North Labour Party (United Kingdom)
  • Simon Korner - Labour party (United Kingdom)
  • Simon Renton - Past President, University and College Union (United Kingdom)
  • Simon Stonard (United Kingdom)
  • Sindhan - Editorial Member, Marxist Tamil Magazine (India)
  • Sivert Kleppe Brungot - Member, Rød Ungdom/ Red Youth Oslo (Norway)
  • Skye Starr (Australia)
  • S M Baichoo - AMB Property Lettings (United Kingdom)
  • Sofia Carter (United States)
  • Sohail (Canada)
  • Solong - General secretary, UNITE (Lesotho)
  • Sonya Tserpelis - student (United States)
  • Sophia Lo (Hong Kong)
  • Sophia Msngera (United Kingdom)
  • Sophie Bao (Australia)
  • Sophie K Bristow (Ireland)
  • So Tjiauw Tjeng (Indonesia)
  • Soumyaroop Mukherjee - student (India)
  • Stacey Kelly-Maher (United Kingdom)
  • Stanley Lo (Hong Kong)
  • Stefania Fusero (Italy)
  • Stefan Kytzia (Germany)
  • Stefan Langenborg (United States)
  • Steffen Goerlich (Germany)
  • Stephan Leger (United States)
  • Stephen Fournier - Publisher and Editor, Current Invective (United States)
  • STEPHEN GRANT BAINES - professor, Universdade de Brasília (Brazil)
  • Stephen lee - Pacific Carpet and Floorig (Canada)
  • STEPHEN LEE (Canada)
  • Stephen Morris (United States)
  • Stephen William Calder (United Kingdom)
  • steve (United Kingdom)
  • Steve Alvarez (United States)
  • Steve Anderson - Mobile Plant Operator (Australia)
  • Steve Ashton - Former New Democratic Party Member of the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet minister, Province of Manitoba, Canada. , No to Sinophobia (Canada)
  • Steve Eric Ennever (United Kingdom)
  • Steven Chan (United States)
  • Steven Keenan (United Kingdom)
  • steven mahakian (United States)
  • Steven Scricca (United States)
  • Steven Sroya (United States)
  • Steven Turner (Australia)
  • Steven Vander Eeckt (Belgium)
  • Steven Wang - Sleepy (Singapore)
  • Steve Smith (Indonesia)
  • Steve Sweeney - International Editor, Morning Star (United Kingdom)
  • Stu Becker (United States)
  • Sudeep Sudhakran - Assistant Professor (India)
  • Sue - None, None (China)
  • Sue Tang (Australia)
  • SugerGift - No Cold War, Persional (China)
  • Suiting Ding - Leiden University (Netherlands)
  • Suleiman (Jordan)
  • Sunil (India)
  • Sunny - Writer (Malaysia)
  • Susan D. Farr (United States)
  • Susan Sheinfeld (United States)
  • Susumu Tokiwa (Japan)
  • Suzie Gilbert (United Kingdom)
  • Sven Bjorkgard (Norway)
  • Tafil Musovic (Netherlands)
  • Taiwan is a country! - consul, republic of taiwan (Taiwan)
  • Tamara Lorincz - Member, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (Canada)
  • tammy wong (United Kingdom)
  • Tan Boonhooi (Malaysia)
  • Tan Liu (United States)
  • Tan Seo Peng (Malaysia)
  • Tanya Gonzalez (United States)
  • Tan Yew Hock - Retired (Singapore)
  • Taro Taylor - Co- founder, The Lawless Group (United Kingdom)
  • Tavas Vidyas (Russian Federation)
  • Tawny Tidwell (United States)
  • Tedjo Poernomo (Canada)
  • Ted Kuan - Student, Seneca College (Canada)
  • Ted Larsson (Sweden)
  • Tej Grewall - Journalist/Producer, KPFK 90.7FM, Pacifica Radio Network (United States)
  • Teodora Toc (Romania)
  • Teo Kok Kiang (Singapore)
  • Terence Quek - Student Care Teacher (Singapore)
  • Terence Tsakok - Mr, Personal (United Kingdom)
  • Terry Harper (United Kingdom)
  • Terry Tam - Voice of Concerned Chinese Canadian (Canada)
  • Terry Williams (United Kingdom)
  • Testing (Argentina)
  • Thiago Sfredo (Brazil)
  • Thomas Eherer (Austria)
  • Thomas Elliott (Canada)
  • Thomas Furst (Peru)
  • Thomas George (Australia)
  • Thomas Hansen - President, Autonomous University of Social Movements (United States)
  • Thomas Hubbard (United States Minor Outlying Islands)
  • Thomas Lockwood (United States)
  • Thomas M Debssou (Canada)
  • Thomas Reich (United States)
  • Thomas Scherrer (United States)
  • Tian Zhao (Canada)
  • Tiffany Nguyen (United States)
  • Tijana Zderic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Tilly (Belgium)
  • Tilmann Keller (Germany)
  • Tim (Australia)
  • Tim Ashby - Ashby DESIGN workshop (United Kingdom)
  • Tim Doan (Canada)
  • Tim Man (Australia)
  • Timothy Oxton - member, Unite union (UK), Labour Party (UK) (United Kingdom)
  • Tim Pluta (Spain)
  • Tim Sijben (Netherlands)
  • Tina Nasiakos (Canada)
  • Tobe Adewusi (Canada)
  • Tobias Hellström (Sweden)
  • Tøger Ejgaard Jensen - Data analyst (Denmark)
  • Tola Ositelu - Project Officer (ITUC), International Trade Union Confederation (Belgium)
  • Tomas (United States)
  • Tom Boughan (United States)
  • Tom Cuthbert - National Council , Campaign for Nuclear Disamament (United Kingdom)
  • Tom Greenwood (United Kingdom)
  • Tom Mayer - participant, Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Centr (United States)
  • Tom Partis - Chair of MLC Greater Manchester, Marxist Literature Collective (United Kingdom)
  • Tom Templeton - GP, Doctor, NHS (United Kingdom)
  • Tony (United Kingdom)
  • Tony Conway - Secretary, Coventry Against Racism (United Kingdom)
  • Tony Donaldson (Australia)
  • Tony Kok (Australia)
  • Tony T (Singapore)
  • Torgeir Havik - Manager, Arkitektkontoret H2 as (Norway)
  • Torok Andrea (Romania)
  • Travis Carlson (United States)
  • Travis S Tarrant (United States)
  • Trevor Johnston (New Zealand)
  • Trevor Williams (United Kingdom)
  • Tri Minh Vo - Digital Organizer, The SEAD Project (United States)
  • Tristan Knowlton - IT Director (United States)
  • T S Tan (Malaysia)
  • T T Chee (Malaysia)
  • Tuck Lye (United States)
  • Tunde Osazua (United States)
  • Tyler Stead (United States)
  • Tyler Thomas Berglund (Canada)
  • Udo Hutsch (Germany)
  • Ulrike Simon (Germany)
  • usha prasad (United States)
  • Ute Kollies (Portugal)
  • Valerie Sanfilippo (United States)
  • van de wyngaert (France)
  • Van YANG 杨岗 - Film Director (China)
  • Varun Malik (India)
  • Vasileios Bardas (Greece)
  • Vera Lúcia Martins da Costa (Brazil)
  • Veronique Coteur - intal solidarity movement Belgium (Belgium)
  • Veronique Wiesinger (France)
  • Versbraegen François - -, - (Belgium)
  • Vicente Castells - Retired NHS doctor (United Kingdom)
  • Victor Chan - Nil (Hong Kong)
  • Victor Hernandez (United States)
  • Victor Hugo De Almeida Barros Domingues (Brazil)
  • victoria - Teaching Assistant, York University (Canada)
  • Viki Proestakis (Canada)
  • Vincent (Malaysia)
  • Vincent Geurts - Geurts (France)
  • Vineet Menon - Independent (India)
  • VIOLET DIALLO - Coordinator, Groupe d'assistance aux Programmes (GAP) Mali (United Kingdom)
  • Viren Murthy - UW-Madison (United States)
  • Virginia M Keister (United States)
  • Vitor Augusto Carvalho (Brazil)
  • Vivek Nanotkar (India)
  • Vivek Venkatraman (United States)
  • Viyaz Suntharesan (Australia)
  • Vrinda Ravi Kumar (India)
  • Wah-Piow Tan - Director, Universal Common Sense (United Kingdom)
  • Wai Chhang Yee (Canada)
  • Waleed Rawasia (Canada)
  • Walter - none, none (Japan)
  • Walter Kooy - University teacher, Dutchman, living 17 years in China (China)
  • Walter Simms (United Kingdom)
  • WANG Zhuolun - Beijing DeDu Environmental Technology co. Ltd (China)
  • Warren C Fry - educator, unaffiliated (United States)
  • Warren Matsuoka (United States)
  • WAYNE SMITH - MD, SELF (Canada)
  • Wayne Tang (Hong Kong)
  • Wayne Tom (Canada)
  • WEE SENG FATT (Malaysia)
  • Weiqun Situ - Agent, Century 21 King Quay , Markham Ontario (Canada)
  • Wendy (United States)
  • Wendy Bertrand (United States)
  • Wendy LaRiviere (United States)
  • Wendy Man (Canada)
  • Wendy Ong (United States)
  • Weng Lok Leong (Belgium)
  • Wenjun Sun (China)
  • Wenke Adam - Retired librarian (Chile)
  • Werner Siegmund - Dr. paed., Diplom Militärwissenschaftler (Germany)
  • Wes Eastridge (United States)
  • Wesley Woo (United States)
  • Wibowo Gunawan (Indonesia)
  • Wilhelm Reichmann (Austria)
  • Willem Rabbeljee - peace loving retired artist (Brazil)
  • William Digan (Belgium)
  • William E Toms - Adjunct Faculty, New York University (United States)
  • William Grosh (United States)
  • William Hargis (United States)
  • William J. Kelleher, Ph.D. (United States)
  • William Johnson (United Kingdom)
  • William Tseng (Malaysia)
  • Wilson Glenn Smith - Anthropologist (France)
  • Wilson Ho (Canada)
  • Wilson Koe (Malaysia)
  • Wilson Wang (Singapore)
  • Wing Pang (United Kingdom)
  • WINSTON SCOTT WARFIELD - Veterans for Peace (United States)
  • Wolfgang Homola (Austria)
  • Wong Charmaine - A citizen of the World (Singapore)
  • Wong Chun Wah (Singapore)
  • Wong Poh Yoke (Malaysia)
  • wynsum - retiree (Singapore)
  • Xabier (Chile)
  • Xia Haiyang (China)
  • Xiao Li - Software Developer, Shanghai Xiaoxin Information Technology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Xiaoming Guo (Canada)
  • xiaoyan wei (United Kingdom)
  • Xiao Yu (United States)
  • Xiao-yuan Dong - Professor, University of Winnipeg (Canada)
  • Xiejiacheng - Software developer (China)
  • Xiezeyu - High school student (China)
  • Xiuyan Wu (China)
  • Xuanming Chen - artist (China)
  • Xuefei Yang (Spain)
  • XUE Qinyuan - City University of Hong Kong (China)
  • xun pomponio - Emeritus Associate Professor of Economics, St. Olaf College (United States)
  • Xu Qinduo - Senior Fellow, Pangoal lnstitution, Beijing-based think tank (China)
  • Yanfei (United Kingdom)
  • Yang McDougall (Canada)
  • YANG Xinye (China)
  • Yanis Iqbal (India)
  • Yan Jiaolan - Lecturer, Jiaolan (United Kingdom)
  • Yannick Beringer - Student (Luxembourg)
  • Yannik Yeung (Canada)
  • Yanping (Sky) Gao - Senior Editor and Journalist based in Shanghai (China)
  • Yap Kun Bek - Writer (Malaysia)
  • Yap Soon Hin - Personal (Malaysia)
  • YAT SUM LIU (China)
  • Yayin Deng - Student, LSE (China)
  • Y.C. Wong (Malaysia)
  • Yee Kong NG - Assoc Professor @ National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  • Yeow Hua Poon (United Kingdom)
  • Yiannis Rachiotis - Lawyer, Hellenic Union of Progressive Lawyers (Greece)
  • Yifan Huang (United States)
  • Yifan Zhu - university of florida (United States)
  • Yihong Zhu (China)
  • Yi Li - Lecturer, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
  • Yi Li - Associate Professor of Education , University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • Yin (Malaysia)
  • Yongjiang Wang - Dr (United Kingdom)
  • Yong Siew Kim - Mankind (Malaysia)
  • Youri Smouter - host of 1+1 at Yuri Muckraker at youtube, host of 1+1 at Yuri Muckraker at youtube (Belgium)
  • Yuanzhao Hu (United States)
  • Yuchong Li (China)
  • Yujie Diao (China)
  • Yun Li - Dr. (China)
  • Yunxin Wang - Digital Graphic Designer, Ritt-Wang Design (United Kingdom)
  • yun yaw (France)
  • Yupu Liu - Student, NUAA (China)
  • Yu Zhang (United States)
  • Zachary J Gaston (United States)
  • Zachary Piccozzi (United States)
  • Ze Nan (Hong Kong)
  • Zeynep Oguz Kursar (Croatia)
  • Zhao YiBin - University Of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
  • zhao zhongjing (China)
  • Zheng Qiyun - High school students (China)
  • Zhi Hang Low (United Kingdom)
  • Zhiwen GUO - Professor, Hubei University (China)
  • Zhu Shaobin (China)
  • Zilan Liao 廖子岚 - C.E.O, Pagoda Arts (United Kingdom)
  • Zong Liang Wu - PhD (United States)
  • Z Raye (United States)
  • Zuzanna (United Kingdom)
  • Zyvis Xavier Vahey - Streamer, Randomness (United States)
  • Ιωάννης Γκούβας (Greece)
  • Σταμάτης Καρασαββίδης (Greece)
  • 卓俊興 - Student (China)
  • 唐成彬 (China)
  • 张一多 - Student, Jilin International Study University (China)
  • 徐锐 - A student of China University of Geosciences (China)
  • 杜文斌 - 研究员, 中国科学院微生物研究所 (China)
  • 杜金林 - 学生, 上海商学院 (China)
  • 林政燁 Ban Lin (China)
  • 王昱博 - Comrade (China)
  • 钱叙辰 - Meidical Manager, Joinn Laboratories (China)
  • 陈一鹤 - Ocean University of China (China)
  • 韩非 Han Fei - academic researcher,Science blogger (China)